Science Fiction in the News Articles
Related to material in Troubled Star
by George O. Smith

Potboiler novel with several interesting premises: stars can be tinkered with to make them into variable stars and otherwise superintelligent aliens mistake a television "space captain" for a real space-going person.

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

XNAV Steer Your Way By X-Ray Pulsar
   A couple of papers suggest that XNAV might provide us with solar system-wide 'GPS' - good thing sf writers were already thinking about space beacons.

TEMPO2 Uses Pulsars For Celestial GPS
   Ah, the age of the space beacon is upon us at last!

X-Ray Pulsar 'Beacons' To Guide Spacecraft
   Celestial GPS for the solar system - and beyond!

China's XPNAV 1 To Use X-Ray Pulsars For Navigation
   'For a hyperspace jump, you need at least four beacons for an accurate fix.' - Harry Harrison, 1956. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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Science Fiction
in the News

SliceIt! Why Not Teach Robots To Use Knives?
re: Anne McCaffrey

NYC/Dublin Portal Fails To Meet 'Guardian Of Forever' Standards
re: Gene Roddenberry

FLOAT Levitating Train On The Moon ala Clarke
re: Arthur C. Clarke

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