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Comments on Emily Howell - The Computer Is The Composer
Updated with new reference! Keep an eye out for the new CD by an artificially intelligent composer named Emily Howell. (Read the complete story)

"You might also want to take a look at Hit Song Science, computer software that analyzes human-created music to see if it is likely to be popular."
(Bill Christensen 10/4/2009 1:16:35 PM)
"Not sure when it was published, but one of the Danny Dunn books had a computer compose music."
(Ashley 10/4/2009 4:47:10 PM)
"Another connection has been missed: Sharon Apple from Macross Plus. A pop singer superstar that is an AI (note the 'Apple' computer joke). [spoiler] Sharon tries to acquire an upgrade chip that will allow her to experience genuine emotion in order to elevate her music (among other goals)."
(ram 10/4/2009 9:57:40 PM)
"Since I was beaten to the Sharon Apple punch, I'll mention Yamaha's Vocaloid software. It's essentially Autotune coupled with a sample set of phonemes that can be arranged and modified to produce the vocal track of a song. It was originally created for backing tracks, but has taken off as a stand-alone piece, with a 'concert' taking place recently."
( 10/5/2009 5:37:52 AM)
"Oh, and the Sharon Apple AI also incorporated an audience feedback system, through a heartrate/GSR/etc wireless sensor suite incorporated into the admittance wristband given to concert goers."
( 10/5/2009 5:39:58 AM)
"Oh, I totally forgot about Vocaloid Voice - not unreasonable, since I wrote this article about six years ago. Read up on Vocaloid Voice - Soul Singing Synthesis."
(Bill Christensen 10/5/2009 2:58:51 PM)
"Thanks, Ram, for the reference to Sharon Apple from Macross Plus, which I added to the article.

Also, take a look at this video of virtual singer Hatsune Miku."
(Bill Christensen 10/5/2009 3:07:04 PM)

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