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Comments on James Cameron's Avatar Synthespians
Updated with comment by Jeff Kleiser and a video. Is the world ready for artificial actors? James Cameron's technology in Avatar may make this long-delayed idea a reality. (Read the complete story)

"Connie Willis also covered this in the book "Remake" -"
(muj0 1/20/2010 8:13:19 AM)
"Would you consider Max Headroom 1985 U.K.?"
(Peter Jacobs 1/20/2010 3:49:42 PM)
"muj0 - that's a great reference. I haven't read the book, but I might be able to dig up a good quote. Looks like an interesting book. Thanks!"
(Bill Christensen 1/20/2010 4:39:09 PM)
"Peter - I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that the guy who played Max wore some sort of special makeup with prosthetics to look more "computery". It wasn't done with computer animation."
(Bill Christensen 1/20/2010 4:40:17 PM)
"What about those vocaloid programs in Japan? Not exactly, but related to this synthetic thespian concept, ya?"
(UW Tartarus 1/20/2010 9:48:39 PM)
"As with all new technologies, there are potential issues. The key is to imagine the possibilities and factor in the negatives ... then dig in and explore. Standards (both aesthetic and moral) will emerge with time. For now let's use our imaginations. The public approval of Avatar has opened many doors for creative minds."
(Paul Hollett 1/21/2010 8:10:13 AM)
"Max Headroom was written and directed by Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel (now of MJZ) and they used Matt Frewer in makeup to represent a CG character. We were poking fun at them in Nestor Sextone for President: Nestor is running for president of the synthetic actors guild, and promising that humans in makeup will no longer take work away from synthetic actors. A crappy version can be seen here at 2 minutes in:"
(Jeff Kleiser 1/21/2010 9:06:51 AM)
"UW Tartarus - That's right, an essential element for any singing synthespian - the Vocaloid Voice. See also this video of Hatsune Miku, which uses Vocaloid Voice technology."
(Bill Christensen 1/21/2010 11:03:57 AM)
"Paul - You're right about Avatar opening many doors; I'm also intrigued to see what happens when the necessary technology trickles down past the big studios to people who are less concerned about copyright and just start making whatever they want."
(Bill Christensen 1/21/2010 11:16:05 AM)
"Jeff - thanks so much for writing; I looked in vain for a copy of the 'Nestor Sextone for President' video. I also appreciate your comments; I've added an update to the article."
(Bill Christensen 1/21/2010 11:18:24 AM)
"As Avatar passes all box office records we can hope to see more interest and attention focused on 3D immersive experiences. Pushing the creative envelope is what this field is all about. Synthespians are definitely evolving ... ( "
(Paul Hollett 1/27/2010 12:43:56 PM)

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