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Comments on EU Parliament Requires Electric Cars To Make Noise
'...a sound tape to supply the noise of a soi-disant "[internal combustion]" engine...'- Robert Heinlein, 1985. (Read the complete story)

"Here's an example of noise for a silent car - Audi's eSound.

(Audi E-Sound video)

(Bill Christensen 2/12/2013 3:32:14 PM)

"This is really silly. I was thinking about this issue recently when I noticed that most modern ICE vehicles are so well sound proofed that you can't hear them anyway. I about burned out my own starter motor 're-starting' my own car. doh!"
(Zac Hunter 2/13/2013 10:55:54 AM)
"For the first few weeks that I owned my Toyota Camry hybrid, I did the same thing, especially when waiting at the curb for someone. I also don't accept the argument that cars need to make more noise. It seems stupid to me to take the work of engineers who have dedicated generations of effort to reduce noise, and then deliberately counter it."
(Bill Christensen 2/13/2013 2:38:49 PM)
"Why does it need to sound like a car? Horse and cart or trolley bus sound effects could be used.I could see cars being personalised like cellphones."
(Peter Jacobs 2/13/2013 5:27:30 PM)
"Do consider the noise from outside the car vs from inside it. I've heard people bragging about their "silent" car... when from outside the car it's nowhere near silent. Not as noisy as some, true, but definitely not "silent" either. Tho I do like Peter's suggestion."
(Ashley 2/14/2013 8:34:13 PM)
"Peter, I've been thinking about cars having personalized sounds like cellphones with ring tones, and I'm wondering what traffic will sound like. What if someone designs a swarm application, and you agree to participate in a traffic symphony with a thousand other cars?"
(Bill Christensen 2/15/2013 3:44:47 AM)

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