Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

This is one of those great American novels that everyone should read; that's why your high school english teacher wants you to read it! However, this book holds a very accurate mirror up to our world today; beautiful writing and things worth thinking about make this worth reading. Select an invention:

Air-Propelled Train - silent mass transit
A silent means of mass transit.

Big Flue
Enormous incinerators serviced directly by helicopter.

Buttered Toast Robot
What it says on the tin.

Electronic-Eyed Snake
A fully automated stomach pump.

Green Bullet - carry your mentor with you
A very compact (for 1950) radio transceiver, worn in the ear like a hearing aid.

Mechanical Hound - a fireman's best friend
An eight-legged robotic "hound" with hypodermic poison fangs.

Parlor Wall (TV Parlor) - original big screen TV
The original "big screen TV" takes up an entire wall of a room.

Salamander - it was a pleasure to burn
Name given to the fire trucks of the future, which carry kerosene rather than water, and are used to burn houses.

Seashell Radio (Thimble Radios) - original walkman (or ear buds)
Small radios that fit into the ears like hearing aids or ear buds.

Spot-Wavex Scrambler - personalized mass media
Provides a more personalized experience of television, by letting the announcers talk to you personally.


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