Skylark of Space by E.E. 'Doc' Smith:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

"Perhaps it is a bit unethical and unusual for editors to voice their opinion of their own wares, but when such a story as "The Skylark of Space" comes along, we just feel as if we must shout from the housetops that this is the greatest interplanetarian and space flying story that has appeared this year. Indeed, it probably will rank as one of the great space flying stories for many years to come. The story is chock full, not only of excellent science, but woven through it there is also that very rare element, love and romance. This element in an interplanetarian story is often apt to be foolish, but it does not seem so in this particular story.

We know so little about intra-atomic forces, that this story, improbable as it will appear in spots, will read commonplace years hence, when we have atomic engines, and when we have solved the riddle of the atom.

('Skylark of Space" by EE 'Doc' Smith)

You will follow the hair-raising explorations and strange ventures into far-away worlds with bated breath, and you will be fascinated, as we were, with the strangeness of it all."

Select an invention:

An intermediate chamber between airless space and the interior of a space craft.

Flying Harness
Device allows free movement in the air.

Fur Pressure-Suit
A warm pressurized suit for use in the airless void of space.

Negative Acceleration
Turning a torchship through a half-circle, thereby applying force in the direction of motion, slowing the ship down. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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