Science Fiction in the News Articles
Related to material in Robot AL-76 Goes Astray
by Isaac Asimov

What happens when a slightly lunatic robot starts to tinker?

"AL 76 was built for a specific job, but he got lost. However, he knew his job, and he did it I"

('Robot Al76 Goes Astray' by Isaac Asimov)

"As a series of portraits of a robot at work, they left nothing to the imagination. They might have been labeled: "Robot Gazing Thoughtfully at Vacuum Tube," "Robot Splicing Two Wires," "Robot Wielding Screwdriver," "Robot Taking Refrigerator Apart with Great Violence," and so on."

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

Texas-Sized Ice Slab Found On Mars
   'That's okay, still ice in The Rock and a miner expects to sound for it...'- Robert Heinlein, 1966.

Subsurface Martian Ice Slabs Piece Of Cake For Miners
   'One shy little fellow with bloodshot eyes of old-time drillman stood up. 'I'm an ice miner,' he said.' - Robert Heinlein, 1966. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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Science Fiction
in the News

Biohybrid Robots Made Of Living And Synthetic Materials
re: Arthur C. Clarke

Drug Induces Hibernation-Like State In Humans
re: Robert Heinlein

Poul Anderson's 'Brain Wave'
re: Poul Anderson

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