Fiction in the News Articles "HOW far is it possible to actually build machines that can successfully simulate a man in practically all his capabilities? Is it true that anything that man can do a machine can do better?
Of course, it will not be possible to evolve a robot, that is, a mechanical man, who can think for himself. Yet, it is possible to produce such a man to go through any imaginable motion that an actual human being can perform.
As a matter of fact, such robots, controlled by radio, have already been demonstrated and were made to perform various functions. The well-known TELEVOX, perfected by the Westinghouse Electric Corp., is an example of what such machines can actually accomplish. Moreover, such a robot is far superior in many instances than humans, because the robot is deprived of the possibilities of human error. He makes no mistakes, because he does not think; he cannot forget, and as a rule he functions 100 per cent efficient.
In the present story, the author has used this theme in a novel manner to create an adventure the highest order."
(The Robot Master) Intriguing little tale of attempted world domination, via remote-controlled robots and aircraft.
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re: Edmond Hamilton (11/3/2024)
re: Neal Stephenson (11/1/2024)
re: Philip K Dick (10/29/2024) |
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