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Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Pyro Dancin' to the Infernoptix Beat
This is so great - now see more details than ever before with this amazing display.

Chaos Robot - Four Track Offroad Flailing
Unusual design permits this little 'bot to crawl practically anywhere.

Gemotion Bas Relief Display
Unique technology provides a soft, 'living' 3D surface vision.

Drivemocion More Expressive Than KITT
I hope this thing offers more than just the smiley face.

HCID: Handwear Computer Input Device Combat Glove
Interesting military control glove concept under development.

Khronos Projector at NextFest 2006
Very cool interface should give you a new thought about the iPhone - flexible screen!

PongSats - Tiny 'Satellites' At Space's Edge
Excellent program allows amateurs to send their experiments aloft.

Map Of World Happiness - A Global Projection of Subjective Well-Being
For the first time, a global projection of happiness is available; how happy are you?

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New on Site:

Robot Conductor

Precrime Sleeve Communicator

Spider Robot

Robot Detector

Robot Fish

Electronic Image Intensifier

Sleep Machine

Sleep Generator




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