Beyond Technovelgy:
Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Robot Skin Soft Like Yours
Artificial robot skin now smooth and soft, just like you've always dreamed robot skin would feel.

Planetary Annihilation Chances 'Totally Miniscule'
Black holes generated beneath the Earth's surface? I sense no danger here...

SwisTrack Swarm Analysis Of Robots And Roaches
Swarms need to be studied - this tool can be used on insects or robots.

ULTra PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) Planned For London
The ULTra is back in the news, this time at Heathrow airport.

Lethal Frisbee UAV Robots
Modular Disc-Wing (Frisbee) Urban Cruise Munitions are on their way, thanks to the USAF.

Pipeline Explorer Untethered Robotic Snake
Amazing robotic pipeline inspection device is a real snakebot.

Virtual Arms Dealers Arrested
Virtual gun-running now a problem in China.

Nokia Silence Booth - Shh!
If only someone would install these everywhere...

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New on Site:

Robot Conductor

Precrime Sleeve Communicator

Spider Robot

Robot Detector

Robot Fish

Electronic Image Intensifier

Sleep Machine

Sleep Generator




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