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Comments on Armed Dolphins Freed By Katrina?
Armed dolphins trained to hunt terrorists may be loose in the Gulf of Mexico, freed accidentally by Katrina. (Read the complete story)

"You forgot the cyberpunk classic, "Johnny Mnemonic" by William Gibson. In his short story, the navy had intentionally gotten the dolphins hooked on heroin as a way of controlling them. "
(KarKar 9/26/2005 7:27:05 AM)
"You're right - here's the quote:
"Good with symbols, see, but the code's restricted. In the navy they had him wired to an audivisual display. She drew the narrow package from a jacket pocket... "Want it?"
... We left him drifting, rolling languourously in the dark water. Maybe he was dreaming of his war in the Pacific, of the cyber mines he'd swept, nosing gently into their circuitry with the Squid he'd used to pick Ralfi's pathetic password from the chip buried in my head.
"I can see them slipping up when he was demobbed, letting him out of the navy with that gear intact, but how does a cybernetic dolphin get wired to smack?"
"The war," she said. "They all were. Navy did it. How else you get'em working for you?""
(Bill Christensen 9/26/2005 9:50:32 AM)
"The military doesn't let troops remained armed, locked and loaded in barracks, why would they let dolphins be suited up in their pens when they weren't actually conducting research or training? With a huricane bearing down, they wouldn't be conducting such operations, but would be battening down the hatches. Nice paranoid fiction, but the suspension of disbelief is stretched too much.
(I was thinking that they might leave on at least whatever harnesses were used; animal trainers often leave that stuff on the animal to get them used to how it feels when it is on. But you're right; it's a fish story I couldn't resist! ;) -Bill)"
( 9/26/2005 1:07:37 PM)
"The "tabloid-style" source of this story? Had you linked to the Daily Mirror, your comment might have made some sense. But since when does the Guardian deserve the pejorative description "tabloid style" ? "
( 9/26/2005 11:26:27 PM)
"The Observer is not one of the UK's tabloids. It is part of the Guardian family (as in Manchester Guardian). It is left wing though..."
( 9/27/2005 4:24:51 AM)
"My apologies to my UK readers; perhaps the term 'tabloid' is more offensive than it is here. I meant it to refer to a story in which the headline is written to get attention by screaming something unlikely and attention-getting. Like 'Armed and Dangerous: Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina.' Don't you think it has that 'Elvis Told Me To Wake Up, Says Coma Gal' flavor to it? Personally, I think that my headline 'Armed Dolphins Freed By Katrina?' gets that tabloidish (tabloidal?) effect with fewer words (and the question mark preserves some semblance of editorial modesty) ..."
(Bill Christensen 9/27/2005 5:07:44 AM)
"Great invention! U ROCK."
(Jennifer Cordeiro  9/28/2005 12:45:38 PM)
"i think dolphins shouldnt be trained to kill cuz they wernt ment to kill people. :/"
(Carley 9/28/2005 2:51:52 PM)
"I hope they were just armed with sleeping darts,and not the horrendous devices that were envisioned for them in Vietnam! -namely the large hypodermic needle containing compressed gas,that was to be used on infiltrating Vietcong swimmers in the Mekong delta, it worked by inflating them with gas -blowing the stomach out through their mouths,and the lower intestines and rectum out through the anus!-killing them and causing the body to float to the surface -to be collected for the body count!-nice!"
(AGK 10/3/2005 3:00:57 PM)
"Damn ... is nothing sacred in this world? Armed dolphins. Does remind me of the Johnu Mnemonic movie though; doesn't that have a cybernetic dolphin in it that was trained for war purposes? "
(Miez 10/8/2005 5:35:05 PM)
"I think that a dolphin thats armed is very dangerous."
(Max dias 10/10/2005 3:02:33 PM)
"Nice sweetie. Way to go babe."
(sexywoman 10/12/2005 3:15:00 PM)
"I dig this sweet project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(bull 10/25/2005 8:18:21 AM)
"Would that be the same Leo Sheridan who has been pursuing such conspiracy theories as crop circles? Four dolphins did get loose. None were armed. They were all found within a week."
(Fred Kiesche 11/1/2005 6:16:25 PM)

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