Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

ESA Awards Study For Lunar Satellite Communications And Navigation
'Messages drifted in - from liners and freighters, from police-ships, from yachts of space...' - Miller and McDermott, 1932. (re: Miller and McDermott)

Bigelow BEAM Still Useful On ISS
'It's a shame, ain't it, Frank—calling a pretty thing like that a 'bubb'—it's an ugly word. Or even a 'space bubble.' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1961. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

DARPA's Sarcasm Detector Totes Gets Your Drift
'TARS, what's your sarcasm setting?' '100 percent.' - from Interstellar. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Tokyo's Nakagin Capsule Tower Tear-Down, Neuromancer's Coffin Hotel Lives Forever
'Plastic capsules a meter high and three long, stacked like surplus Godzilla teeth...' - William Gibson, 1984. (re: William Gibson)

Robotic 'Third Thumb' Rewires Your Brain
'When he's connected up to your nervous system, you'll be able to make him whistle, hiss, roar, flap his wings and spit sparks...' - Samuel R. Delany, 1966. (re: Samuel R. Delany)

AliveCor Claims Apple Watch Infringes ECG Patents
'...a sweet mezzo-soprano voice remarked in a conversational tone: "I think you should sit down and rest for about ten minutes.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1978. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Triple Star System Tears Apart Its Planetary Disk
'Our planet, Ev, hangs spinning in the triangle formed by the three, and the three suns revolve slowly around it.' - Edwin K. Sloat, 1933. (re: Edwin K. Sloat)

Ford's In-Car Ads From Billboards
'It would soon squeeze in and harangue him in the cranky, garbagey fashion of the Nitz advertisements.' Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

TransAstra Lunar Mining Idea Was Max Valier's In 1931
'This concentrated sunlight... would cause subsurface ice to sublimate into water vapor...' - Max Valier, 1931. (re: Max Valier)

Tic-Tac-Toe Robot From Pollen Robotics
'Was all his talk about the consciousness and intelligence of machines merely a prelude...' - Ambrose Bierce, 1910. (re: Ambrose Bierce)

Rich (and Regular) People Should Stop Eating Meat, Says Bill Gates
'You can get used to the taste difference.' - Bill Gates, 2021. (re: William Gibson)

IconicSounds Electric - BMW EV Scored By Hans Zimmer
'...and a sound tape to supply the noise.' - Robert Heinlein, 1985. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Soft Polymer 'Synaptic Transistors' Mimic Brain Plasticity
'He had then applied countless different electrical vibrations to this metallic brain-stuff...' - Edmond Hamilton, 1926. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

'Human Augmentation' Necessary, Says Space Force Scientist
'Neural circuits buzzed and every sense and response in his body was accelerated by a ratio of five.' - Alfred Bester, 1956. (re: Alfred Bester)

Grow Wood Without Trees
Pretty soon, you'll start seeing this term on very expensive items. (re: Pohl and Kornbluth)

Biohybrid Robotics USArmy Adds Muscle Tissue To Robots
'Great rectangular slabs of muscle, slung into a rectangular frame.' - Jack Vance, 1967. (re: Jack Vance)

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