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One Terabyte Thumbdrive - DataTraveler HyperX Predator 3.0

Tired of trying to fit an entire planetary datasphere into something small enough to put in your pocket? We're not quite there yet, but now we're closer, thanks to the DataTraveler HyperX Predator 3.0. It has one terabyte of data in a tiny thumbdrive.

( DataTraveler HyperX Predator 3.0 unit with one terrabyte of capacity )

"Our new DataTraveler HyperX Predator 3.0 allows users to store their entire digital world on a portable USB 3.0 Flash drive," said Andrew Ewing, Flash memory business manager, Kingston. "The large capacity and fast USB 3.0 transfer speeds allow users to save time as they can access, edit and transfer applications or files such as HD movies directly from the drive without any performance lag."

DataTraveler HyperX Predator 3.0 is compliant with next-generation USB 3.0 specifications and is optimized for newer PCs with USB 3.0 ports. Users who work with large video or graphics files, or gamers who like to travel with their entire library will appreciate the drive's speed and capacity. The casing is made of zinc alloy metal for superior quality, shock resistance and high-end design. DataTraveler HyperX Predator 3.0 ships with a custom Kingston key ring and a HyperX valet keychain. It is also backwards compatible with USB 2.0 for efficient data transfer rates.

Fans of Hyperion, a terrific 1989 novel by Dan Simmons well recall the Schrön Loop:

The Schrön loop was tiny, no larger than my thumbnail, and very expensive. It held countless field-bubble memories, each capable of holding near infinite bits of information. Schrön loops could not be accessed by the biological carrier and thus were used for courier purposes. A man or woman could carry AIs or complete planetary dataspheres in a Schrön loop.

Via Kingston.

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