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easyJet Short-Haul Electric Jets

Startup Wright Electric has joined forces with easyJet to try to build an electric plane for short-haul flights.

(EasyJet to fly electric jets on short-haul routs)

“A collaboration with US company Wright Electric will support the goal for short-haul flights to be operated by all-electric planes. Wright Electric has set itself the challenge of building an all-electric commercial passenger jet capable of flying passengers across easyJet’s UK and European network within a decade.”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who revealed having his own design for a VTOL electric plane, says that such a system becomes possible once battery energy density reaches over 400 Wh/kg, while his Tesla vehicles are believed to be currently powered by battery cells with ~250 Wh/kg.

I'm pretty sure that science fiction great John W. Campbell was the first person to tell many Americans to start dreaming about electric aircraft, in his case, a solar-powered plane. That's from his 1930 story The Black Star Passes.

Will we see electric jets in our lifetime? They're working on it!

Via Electrek.

Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 9/24/2017)

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