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Four-Rooms-In-One House

Designer Luigi Colani has created a futuristic house that saves space in a unique way. The house contains a six-meter cylinder that rotates to reveal its contents.

(Colani house interior view of cylinder rooms - bedroom shown)

Rotating the cylinder brings each room into view through the one door. I think one door to three different rooms is a great trick.

(View of bathroom [left] and kitchen)

In the 1997 movie The Fifth Element starring Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich, Willis' character lives in a futuristic (well, it is 2263 in the movie) and tiny apartment in which many functional elements like refrigerators and showers slide into the wall when not in use. In Frank Herbert's Dosadi Experiment, space is at such a premium in the city of Chu that all rooms are multi-purpose, with different elements folding into the walls when not needed. Readers can doubtless think of more examples.

Read more at mocoloco; thanks to Stan for writing in with this one.

Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 7/30/2006)

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