Science Fiction in the News Articles
Related to material in The Cubic City
by Louis Tucker, D.D.

"THE present story is one of the most extraordinary ones which it has been our good | fortune to read in years. It is another one of those that will make history. As you read the story, you are not certain whether the author is serious or whether he laughs up his sleeve at the failure of the human race in general, particularly when it comes to the big problem of transportation and human conduct in large centers of population.

One of the strangest, if not the strangest phase of our civilization, is found in our city transportation. The automobile which was supposed to save us a great deal of time on account of its speed, has been signally defeated in our large cities and even the medium-sized ones. Today, the automobile as a vehicle to move people speedily has signally defeated itself. Due to the very large number of automobiles, their effectiveness has been nullified and in our big cities, you can walk short distances much quicker than ride.

('The Cubic City' by Reverend Louis Tucker, D.D.)

The author of this story must be given credit for having developed a most unusual as well as original idea, which is not only original, but highly plausible. The city which he plans does away with all traffic problems as we know them today and you are constantly asking yourself the question, yes, why not? Indeed, we believe this story to be prophetic, because sooner or later some such city as foreseen by this talented author will come about.

We only hope that the author will have I some similar treats in store for him in the future."

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

Sky City's 220 Stories Are Go
   ‘Two miles wide, two miles long, and two miles high is eight cubic miles.’ Louis Tucker, 1929.

Humans Could Take Up A LOT Less Space
   We'd have a lot more room for gardening...

Vast Apartment Living Will Get Even More Vast
   'What is your population', I asked. 'About eighty millions.' - Louis Tucker, 1929. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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Science Fiction
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Cognify - A Prison Of The Mind We've Seen Before In SF
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Goodness Gracious Me! Google Tries Face Recognition Security
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