Science Fiction in the News:
Science and Technology News

TransAstra Lunar Mining Idea Was Max Valier's In 1931
'This concentrated sunlight... would cause subsurface ice to sublimate into water vapor...' - Max Valier, 1931. (re: Max Valier)

Tic-Tac-Toe Robot From Pollen Robotics
'Was all his talk about the consciousness and intelligence of machines merely a prelude...' - Ambrose Bierce, 1910. (re: Ambrose Bierce)

Rich (and Regular) People Should Stop Eating Meat, Says Bill Gates
'You can get used to the taste difference.' - Bill Gates, 2021. (re: William Gibson)

IconicSounds Electric - BMW EV Scored By Hans Zimmer
'...and a sound tape to supply the noise.' - Robert Heinlein, 1985. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Soft Polymer 'Synaptic Transistors' Mimic Brain Plasticity
'He had then applied countless different electrical vibrations to this metallic brain-stuff...' - Edmond Hamilton, 1926. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

'Human Augmentation' Necessary, Says Space Force Scientist
'Neural circuits buzzed and every sense and response in his body was accelerated by a ratio of five.' - Alfred Bester, 1956. (re: Alfred Bester)

Grow Wood Without Trees
Pretty soon, you'll start seeing this term on very expensive items. (re: Pohl and Kornbluth)

Biohybrid Robotics USArmy Adds Muscle Tissue To Robots
'Great rectangular slabs of muscle, slung into a rectangular frame.' - Jack Vance, 1967. (re: Jack Vance)

China Requires Social Credit Codes Of Live Stream Users
'Every man has his characteristic strakh...' - Jack Vance, 1976. (re: Jack Vance)

African Gray Parrot Given Vehicle To Drive
It's an old story, but it "checks out", as fans say. (re: David Brin)

NYPD Dog Robot Called Out As Sfnal
Reality now features props from science fiction television. (re: Various)

Autonomous Russian Greenhouse For ISS Wheat
'We saw the gardens, flooded with artificial sunlight, planted with everything imaginable, that supplied the necessary food.' - Harley S Aldinger, 1932. (re: Harvey S. Aldinger)

NASA MOXIE Extracts Oxygen From Mars' Air
'Making oxygen is the trick...' - Greg Bear, 2014. (re: Greg Bear)

Implantable Covid-Detecting Microchip Developed By DARPA
'Employees... were implanted with advanced microprocessors...' - William Gibson, 1984. (re: Medical)

SpaceX Requests Starlink For Starship
'... sweating, heat-blistered engineers at every interplanetary radiograph station on three planets.' - Harry Gore Bishop, 1907. (re: Harry Gore Bishop)

SF Writers Predicted John Deere Autonomous Tractors
'The huge plow... seemed to shake itself - and began to move back southward.' - Otfrid von Hanstein, 1935. (re: Otfrid von Hanstein)

DARPA Funding AI Fighter Pilots
'Cultured brains on a slab.' - Peter Watts, 1999. (re: Peter Watts)

StoryFile To Help William Shatner Become Landru
"I am Landru. I am he! All that he was, I am." Gene Roddenberry, 1967. (re: Gene Roddenberry)

Telehealth Drones To The Rescue
'A shadow passed over him, and he looked up.' - Frederik Pohl, 1965. (re: Frederik Pohl)

Capture Asteroids In A Bag
'... just as a small boy catches a swift ball in his cap.' - VE Thiessen, 1947. (re: VE Theissen)

Sony Pocket Air Conditioner Is Phil Dick's Idea!
'... he went to the hall closet to get his pith helmet and his mandatory cooling-unit.' - Philip K. Dick, 1965. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Is It Possible To GROW Planes And Vehicles?
'These are your rudimentary seed packages...' - Greg Bear, 2015. (re: Greg Bear)

Guard Dog Robot Security Check
'We still use people at the main gates, but here it's an automated sentry.' - Greg Bear, 2003 (re: Greg Bear)

Sheepskin Parchment Helped Medieval Lawyers Prevent Fraud
'The single sheet he held, and even the words and signatures upon it, were all integral parts of a single giant molecule...' - Gordon R. Dickson, 1960. (re: Gordon R. Dickson)

Space 'Hurricane' Has Been Seen
'... it was the biggest of the four hundred odd storms raging in the Fifty Suns region.' - AE van Vogt, 1943. (re: AE van Vogt)

PR2 Fencing Robot Perfect For Kwisatz Haderach-in-training
'Now, we'll work on your timing. Let me see you catch that thing sinister.' - Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

Sole Morphing Astronaut Boots - A New Pair Of Moon Boots?
'It’s an ideal device for kangarooing along in lunar gravity.' - James P. Hogan, 1977. (re: James P. Hogan)

Mice Gestate In Mechanical Womb
'... in the Decanting Room, the newly-unbottled babes uttered their first yell of horror and amazement.' - Aldous Huxley, 1932. (re: Aldous Huxley)

3rd Century BC Gold Bee Is Just The Start
Bees knees, I order you to freeze! (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

Worlds With Underground Oceans More Conducive To Life
'There is life on Europa.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1982. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Electric Monocyle Tumblebug Available On Alibaba
'... it is about the size and shape of a kitchen stool, gyro-stabilized on a single wheel.' - Robert Heinlein, 1940. (re: Robert Heinlein)

China's Self-Driving Electric Trucks Are Poul Anderson's Electrotrucks
'... the trucks gulped packages and scurried like beetles..' - Poul Anderson, 1956. (re: Poul Anderson)

Portsmouth, OH Residents Don't All Favor Drone Surveillance
'...a kid bounced a missile off a golden ball.' - Larry Niven, 1972. (re: Larry Niven)

Poisoning Big Tech's Data Well
Bring on the Civic Notification Distorter. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Sci-Fi Organic Technology
'This latter is a sharp -whoof- almost a thunderclap...' - Gary Shockley, 1984. (re: Gary Shockley)

Flatcat Robot Recalls Both Heinlein And Simak
Sorry, you'll need to read the article. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Nuclear Batteries May Pack Inner Punch
'... the most super-valuable substance in the solar system.' - Edmond Hamilton, 1940. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

Elon Musk STILL Wants To Make Heinlein's 1940's Speedster
'As she neared the barrier the car surged and lifted...' - Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Mercury Capsule Ablative Shielding
'...a synthetic which air-friction would erode away.' - Doc Smith, 1934. (re: EE 'Doc' Smith)

Heinlein And Russian Quail In Orbit
'No earth-hatched bird can learn to fly in that fashion...' - Robert Heinlein, 1942. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Listen Up, Coppertop - Wearable Device Turns You Into A Battery
'It's our way or the highway.' (re: Wachowskis)

Solar Powered Robot Cleans Up Solar Panels For Free
'... with large padded feet, who were apparently polishing their way the whole length of Rama's six artificial suns.' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1972. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Spot Arm From Boston Dynamics Picks Up Like Heinlein's Hired Girl Robot
'Anything larger than a BB shot it picked up and placed in a tray on its upper surface...' - Robert Heinlein, 1956. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Electric Vehicle Prices Will Drop To $2,890
'the human seats took up two-thirds of the room in each' (re: Niven and Pournelle)

TIGER Ultimate Mobility Vehicle From Hyundai
'He admired the fast-plodding, articulated legs...' (re: Anthony Boucher)

Drones Communicate With Each Other Using Quantum Encryption
'the curious absent look of a robot talking on the TBR circuits...' - Frederik Pohl, 1954. (re: Frederik Pohl)

Space Construction Tools For Large Structures By OAC
'Mass-produced in the orbiting factories...' (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

SpinCare Electrospins And Shoots Wound Dressing
'Over her lacerated right shoulder he sprayed art-derm...' - Philip K. Dick, 1960 (re: Philip K. Dick)

Tesla Model S And X Moves Toward KITT Knight Rider Styling
Now, that was a Pontiac Trans Am with some real style. (re: Various)

Sophia Robots By The Thousands
'There is a built-in microphone that hears everything you say, and an electric brain that selects a suitable answer.' - Fritz Lieber, 1954. (re: Fritz Lieber)

Scaly-Foot Snail Works With Iron
'Micro-Scale suit tiles fabricated by genetically engineered metal affinity bacteria...' (re: Unknown)

Updated Piaggio Gita Personal Robot Porter
'Carry his bag... and follow him faithfully...' John Brunner, 1975. (re: John Brunner)

Las Vegas Tunnels To Have Autonomous Teslas
'...just a steady velvety whirr as the taxi sped along.' - Isaac Asimov, 1951 (re: Isaac Asimov)

TCL CSOT 17-Inch Printed OLED Scrolling Display
'..a wide sheet of clear material suddenly flared with light and swirling colour.' - EC Tubb, 1958. (re: EC Tubb)

Reachy Humanoid VR Teleoperation App
"I went to the control room where the three other men were manipulating their mechanical men...' - AG Stangland, 1929. (re: AG Stangland)

Unitree A1 Robot ala Black Mirror and Snow Crash
'The legs are long, curled way up to deliver power...' - Neal Stephenson, 1992. (re: Neal Stephenson)

DALL-E Makes Creative Images From Text
Okay, sf fans. If you could have some art created from a science fiction sentence, what sentence would you pick? (re: Various)

BladeBUG Robots Clean Massive Wind Turbine Blades
'There were the cleaners, with large padded feet, who were apparently polishing their way the whole length...' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1972. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Looms To Manually Weave Lunar Rover Wheels
It's fascinating to me how the Apollo program forced people to think outside their usual boxes. (re: Charles Sheffield)

IceBot Antarctic (Planetary?) Robotic Explorers Made Of Ice
'Some will combine in place to form more complicated structures, like excavators or centipedes.' - Greg Bear, 2015 (re: Greg Bear)

Glad 2020 Is Over
Maybe you missed one of these? (re: Various)

PEDOT Polymer Could Enhance Brain-Machine Interfaces
'the hair-fine wire going deep into Owen's brain, down into the pleasure center.' - Larry Niven, 1969. (re: Larry Niven)

Study: Robots Encourage Humans To Take Risks
Not exactly Three Laws compliant. (re: Various)

Kinetic Buildings And Psychotropic Houses
'There was a dim whirring, and the spheres tipped and began to rotate...' - JG Ballard, 1962. (re: JG Ballard)

Jupe Urban Escape Pods Have Tesla, SpaceX Roots
'The houses are prefabricated units... and they sell at the flat rate of five hundred dollars a room — set up.' - Clifford Simak, 1952. (re: Clifford Simak)

Best Robot Dance Video Of 2020
'I can Mashed Potato... I can do the Twist.' - Chubby Checker, 1961 (re: Fritz Lang)

Vertical Farm In Singapore's Output Is 1.5 Tons Per Day
'A towering eighty-story structure like the office "In-and-Out" baskets stacked up to the sky.' - Pohl and Kornbluth, 1952. (re: Pohl and Kornbluth)

3D Printed 'Blisk' Manufactured In Orbit
'It can be mass-produced only in the orbiting factories...' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1978. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Comercial Airlock 'Bishop' Now On ISS
'They put the bones and the glass can that had contained the soup into the double-doored partition or vestibule...' - John Jacob Astor IV, 1894. (re: John Jacob Astor)

Space Station Could Use Some Martian Sawgrass
'What better purifying machine is there than a plot of grass?' - George O. Smith, 1942. (re: George O. Smith)

ARTUu AI Copilot For USAF
'A series of short beep's and chirps issued from his speaker...' - George Lucas, 1976. (re: George Lucas)

Smellicopter Combines Live Moth Antenna With Mechanical Drone
'The organic tissue is inserted in the master tank and then sealed.' - Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Kyosho Velociraptor Robot Future Of Combat Robots
Today it's drone operators. Tomorrow, it's combat robots. (re: Various)

Arches Of Chaos: Jovian Space Manifolds Create A Celestial Autobahn
'Commute ships roared on all sides, as Ed Morris made his way wearliy home to Earth at the end of a long hard day at the office.' Philip K. Dick, (re: Edmond Hamilton)

New Material Absorbs and Stores Solar Energy
'The light that is thus trapped can be released by making a small spark near the glass.' - L. Sprague de Camp, 1940. (re: L. Sprague de Camp)

First Boring Passenger Station In Las Vegas
'...just a steady velvety whirr as the taxi sped along.' - Isaac Asimov, 1951 (re: Isaac Asimov)

Meetings To Be Recorded And Scored For Body Language
'Jedrik was reworking the simulation model of Broey which she carried in her head.' (re: Frank Herbert)

ESA Space Claw To Grab Space Junk
Now, where have I seen this idea before? (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Airport Security Now Using Predator-Style Heat Vision Helmets
'Want some candy?' (re: Various)

'Black Friday' Online Shopping - In 1899!
'In your days they showed you a fashion-plate,' said the tailor, 'but this is our modern development.' HG Wells, 1899. (re: HG Wells)

DARPA's Virtual Caves Explored By Virtual Robots
'If there's anything in here worth looking at, these pups'll find it.' - Ridley Scott, 2012. (re: Ridley Scott)

Glass Dome Cities On Mars, Dreamed By Elon Musk
'They will have flung great arches and domes of glass above the wider spaces...' - HG Wells, 1905. (re: HG Wells)

Kuka Robot 'Heidi' Paints With Artificial Intelligence
Robots make art for man. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Looking Glass Display Good Enough For Science Fiction, Fantasy
'The figure seemed to be swimming toward the surface.' - Roger Zelazny, 1981. (re: Roger Zelazny)

Do You Need The Entire Fembot? Maybe Just The Hand
'...Men don't want real women anymore. You and I are behind the times...' - Fritz Lieber, 1954. (re: Fritz Lieber)

3D Printing With Sunlight And Sand
'We made a crude, small cell and were delighted...' - John W. Campbell, 1950. (re: John W. Campbell)

Samsung Gets Transparent Smartphone Patent
The Transparency of Things to Come (re: HG Wells)

Monkey Gets A Bigger Brain, Thanks To Human Gene
'It's a madhouse! a madhouse!' - Planet of the Apes, 1968. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Solar Power Beamed From Space Studied By Brit Boffins
'Our beams feed these worlds energy drawn from... the Sun.' - Murray Leinster, 1931. (re: Murray Leinster)

Pandemic Entrepreneurs! Consider Robo Esso Robot Barista
'... the perpetual beam carved in the robot face of the bartender, the classic Irish grin.' - Alfred Bester, 1956. (re: Alfred Bester)

Shape-Shifting Robot From MIT
'... the structure of that shape is retained down to the molecules.' - Samuel R. Delany, 1966. (re: Samuel R. Delany)

Tesla's 20,000 Superchargers
''To recharge the batteries, which can be done in almost every town and village...' - John Jacob Astor IV, 1894. (re: John Jacob Astor IV)

Smallest Rogue Planet Discovered In Milky Way
'...a swarm of rogue planets chanced by.' - Poul Anderson, 1967. (re: Poul Anderson)

New Technology For Interplanetary Communication
'... sweating, heat-blistered engineers at every interplanetary radiograph station on three planets, stood by their generators.' - Harry Gore Bishop, 1907. (re: Harry Gore Bishop)

First Lunar Water, Then... Monolith?
'It looks brand new, doesn't it?' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1968. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Flying Robot Inspired By Hawks
'The dark birdforms dotted the mountaintops...' - Roger Zelazny, 1980. (re: Philip High)

Jet-Powered Flying Suits Tested By Navy
'With his motor in operation, he moves like a diver, head foremost...' - Philip Frances Nowlan, 1928. (re: Philip Frances Nowlan)

Pub Installs Electrified Fence Around Bar
'I start twelve immensely strong wires--naked, not insulated --from a big dynamo...' - Mark Twain, 1889. (re: Mark Twain)

What Does A Tesla Full Self-Driving Car See?
'All objects within my panoramic gaze trembled and vibrated like quick motion pictures...' - Paramahansa Yogananda, 1946. (re: Paramahansa Yogananda)

BioVYZR Is Ready, Anti-Covid19 PAPR Lovers
'Some clad in the insulated space-suits, with their transparent glassite helmets.' - Edmond Hamilton, 1931. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

Tesla Will Have Metal Gear Snake Autocoupler, Musk Confirms
'Its motion was so swift, complex, and perfect that at first I did not see it as a machine, in spite of its metallic glitter.' - HG Wells, 1898. (re: Stephen Barr)

Starlink Satellites Leading Edge On-Orbit Debris Mitigation
Propulsion-assisted orbital decay, brought to you by SpaceX. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Healight Ultraviolet Endotracheal Device Has Covid-19 Treatment Potential
'He applied the tip of the instrument to the interior of the wound...' - Cogswell, 1976. (re: Cogswell)

Parents Use AI To See One Last Message From Their Deceased Son
'...what's to keep me from showing face, Man?' (re: Robert Heinlein)

Satoshi Tomizu Creates Pocket Universes And Worldcraft Bubbles In Glass
'The Worldcraft bubble glittered, catching the light...' - Philip K. Dick, 1953. (re: Philip K Dick)

Space Hero Inc. Offers Trip To ISS As Reality Show Prize
'This is Elmer Schmitz, presenting to you the finalists in our Aviation Quiz Program...' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1952. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

I Love Ceiling-Mounted Robots
'Immediately an enormous apparatus fell on to her out of the ceiling...' - EM Forster, 1911. (re: EM Forster)

Armano Remote Control Excavator
'The bulldozer moved through the... mine... ' - Niven and Pournelle, 1981. (re: Niven and Pournelle)

OK, NASA 3D Printer Of Food Not Yet Star Trek Food Synthesizer
Maybe not, but we're seeing definite progress. (re: Gene Roddenberry)

Kelly Clarkson Show Like Black Mirror '15 Million Merits'
'These people are pieces of software called avatars.' Neal Stephenson, 1992. (re: Neal Stephenson)

Salto Jumping Robot Now Sticks Landing!
'Lucky touched the leap knob and the hopper's leg retracted.' - Isaac Asimov, 1954. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Gyroscopic Median-Straddling Mass Transit Vehicles
'It was among these leviathans that the little gyrocar was daring to thrust its puny self...' - Kenneth Brown, 1911. (re: Kenneth Brown)

Bigrating Laser Beam-Riding Light Sail Is Self-Correcting
'That sail will be twenty thousand miles at the wide part.' - Cordwainer Smith, 1960. (re: Cordwainer Smith)

ISS Astronauts Test Estee Lauder 'Advanced Night Repair' Skin Serum
'Out in the New Moon, just ask for what you want...' - Jack Williamson, 1939. (re: Jack Williamson)

LG Wing Twisting Smartphone Might Be Fun
'A polycarbon screen unfurled...' - William Gibson, 1986. (re: William Gibson)

Mushroom Coffin Returns You To Nature, Naturally
'She touched the leaf. She was wanted.' - Philip K Dick, 1954. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Will ATT Offer Ad-Subsidized Cellphone Service
'For long-distance calls the ratio of commercial to conversation was as high as 10 to 1...' - JG Ballard, 1963. (re: JG Ballard)

Gyro-X Self-Balancing Two-Wheeler Car
'Indeed, the gyrocar was a sight to make a man look twice.' - Kenneth Brown, 1911. (re: Kenneth Brown)

Beat Covid-19 With AIR By MicroClimate - At Last I Get My PAPR
More than just a bubble. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

Mi TV LUX Transparent Edition OLED TV
The Look of Things To Come. HG Wells, 1936. (re: HG Wells)

Metalenses Now Reconfigurable With Liquid Crystal
'Hufhuf oil held in static tension...' - Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

'Alexa For Residential' A Landlord's Dream (Tenant's Nightmare?)
'...unseen mechanical entities... that are in our very midst. One of them following each of us.' - Philip K. Dick, 1960. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Gather Ye Moonrocks While Ye May
'The law of filing on newly discovered asteroids was definite.' - Nat Schachner, 1941. (re: Nat Schachner)

InMotion V11 Electric Unicycle Gets Air (Video)
'A tumblebug does not give a man dignity...' - Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Rid Thyself Of Ads On The Newsbox
'Can't we scramble that commercial?' - Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

A.I. Jesus Proclaims Machine Gospel
'... he crossed the waiting room to the Padre booth; inside he put a dime into the slot and dialed at random.' - Philip K. Dick, 1969. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Google's Remixed 'Your News Update' ala Heinlein, Clarke, Pohl
'Perhaps we had better use the soundtrack and let it hunt.' Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

iSphere Plastique Fantastique Face Mask Alternative
'Among these were some clad in the insulated space-suits, with their transparent glassite helmets.' - Edmond Hamilton, 1931. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

Inkjet-Printed Wearable Solar Cells
Ultra-thin wearable organic photovoltaic material. (re: Rudy Rucker)

NDB Nuclear Waste Battery Lasts A Lifetime
'Trillions of units of power could be compressed thus into an inch-square cube of what looked like blue-white ice.' - Edmond Hamilton, 1940. (re: Edmond Hamilton)

Neuralink Will Land A Chip In Your Brain
'What are you talking about? Do you mean a neural lace?' - Iain M. Banks, 2010. (re: Iain M. Banks)

EPR Is Quick, Temporary Biostasis
'The cold-pack was being sucked out greedily by plastic suction tendrils...' - Philip K. Dick, 1960. (re: Philip K. Dick)

It's Time For Robots With Soft, Sensitive Skin
Sure, solid metal skin robots looked great once - like in science fiction movies of the 1920's. (re: Roger Zelazny)

An Ocean On Ceres
'We sailed gently forward, hull down to the asteroid's surface... A little sea was now beneath us.' - Ray Cummings, 1931. (re: Ray Cummings)

Microscopic Robots On The March!
'Microscopic machinery, smaller than ants, smaller than pins, working energetically, purposefully...' - Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick)

5G Will Be Crucial Backup For Self-Driving Cars
'... some bored drone pusher in a remote driving centre has got your life in his hands.' - Charles Stross, 2007 (re: Charles Stross)

MOFLIN AI Robot - Yes You Can Have A Tribble
They're really no tribble at all! (re: Gene Roddenberry)

Habitability Of Galactic Bulge - Good News For Foundation Fans
'Toran resigned himself to days of careful plotting between Jumps.'- Isaac Asimov, 1955. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Lava Tubes On Mars And Moon May Be Huge
'Most of the stuff written about Bats' Cave gives a wrong impression.' - Robert Heinlein, 1957. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Olfactory User Interfaces - Judith Amores Dissertation
Awakened with a whiff of lemon. (re: Frank Herbert)

Personalized Masks Appear
'The tiger stripes on Jim's mask... made the young people easy to identify.' - Robert Heinlein, 1949. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Foiling Facial Recognition, Fighting Coaster Viruses, Harlan Ellison-Style
I have no mouth and I must scream. (re: Harlan Ellison)

Ford Uses Obedient Robot Dogs To Update Facilities Maps
'If he sent out two or three of the small tele-operated devices... [he] could see machinery and construction details in real time from both above and below.' - Niven and Pournelle, 1981. (re: Niven and Pournelle)

AirTouch Panels Means No More Dirty Touchscreens!
Useful interfaces now appear in thin air. (re: Frederik Pohl)

EllipticaRunner Robot Is Fast, Amazing, Slightly Worrisome
'THEY sent A SLAMHOUND on Turner's trail in New Delhi...' - William Gibson, 1986. (re: William Gibson)

SPECTER Electroshock Round Fireable From Shotgun
'...the balls sent by this gun are not ordinary balls, but little cases of glass.' - Jules Verne, 1875. (re: Jules Verne)

100 Terabyte Exadrive SSD Also Has Biggest Price
'A man could carry AIs or complete planetary dataspheres in a Schrön loop.' - Dan Simmons, 1989. (re: Dan Simmons)

Mechanical Milking Of Microalgae For Fuel Production
'They call 'em culture tanks. They have bugs -- germs -- growing in them.' - Hal Clement, 1950. (re: Hal Clement)

Feel Virtual Reality In Mid-Air!
'...a pressure on the lips - warm and soft, moist and sweet.' - Frederick Pohl, 1965. (re: Frederik Pohl)

Electric Lasso Gives Police Options
'The blast of silver threads enveloped her...' Nolan and Johnson, 1967. (re: Nolan and Johnson)

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