(Most Recent Additions - 3955 Total)
Polarization Apparatus A device that caused a space ship to repel the Earth and send a space ship on its way.
(From Slaves of Mercury [1932] by Nat Schachner) |
Diskoid A huge flying saucer.
(From Slaves of Mercury [1932] by Nat Schachner) |
Search Beams Penetrating rays that disclose the contents of rooms, ships, etc.
(From Slaves of Mercury [1932] by Nat Schachner) |
Sun-Tube A slicing ray of death!
(From Slaves of Mercury [1932] by Nat Schachner) |
Speed Belt (Ribbon Conveyor) A great moving belt carrying people between cities.
(From Slaves of Mercury [1932] by Nat Schachner) |
Attraction Ray In effect, a tractor beam.
(From Pirates of the Gorm [1932] by Nat Schachner) |
Electro-Bullet Fired by an electro-gun.
(From Pirates of the Gorm [1932] by Nat Schachner) |
Electro-Gun It shoots electro-bullets.
(From Pirates of the Gorm [1932] by Nat Schachner) |
Flesh Gun A weapon that burns the skin and meat off the victim.
(From The Computer Connection [1974] by Alfred Bester) |
Paralyzing Eye False eye contains mechanism for causing brief paralysis.
(From The Best-Laid Scheme [1941] by L. Sprague de Camp) |
Momentum Screen Allows a spacemen to avoid the problem of "high gee" forces on take-off.
(From Completely Automatic [1941] by Theodore Sturgeon) |
Vanwinkling Another name for time-traveling into the future.
(From The Best-Laid Scheme [1941] by L. Sprague de Camp) |
Relay A central information system used to coordinate all of human culture and technology.
(From Souvenir [1954] by Philip K. Dick) |
Web (Data Network) An information network.
(From Souvenir [1954] by Philip K. Dick) |
Trace Web A small, handheld device that contacts (and even instantiates) the larger network.
(From Souvenir [1954] by Philip K. Dick) |
Human Quarter A ghetto for human beings; in this case, in a world of robots.
(From James P. Crow [1954] by Philip K. Dick) |
The Dip A device that randomly dredges up things from the past... or the future.
(From The Meddler [1954] by Philip K. Dick) |
Histo-Research Historical research using a time machine.
(From The Meddler [1954] by Philip K. Dick) |