Fresh Technovelgy
(Most Recent Additions - 3958 Total)
Live Memo
A paper memo or short letter that reads itself and can even argue with or exhort its reader.
(From The Simulacra [1964] by Philip K. Dick)
Flying Harness
Device allows free movement in the air.
(From The Skylark of Space [1928] by E.E. 'Doc' Smith)
Robotic Arm
A specialized robotic reaching and grasping device.
(From City [1944] by Clifford Simak)
Adjustable Television
A television that allowed viewers to adjust the content of political speeches.
(From The Simulacra [1964] by Philip K. Dick)
Solar-Powered Aircraft
A plane powered entirely by solar energy.
(From The Black Star Passes [1930] by John W. Campbell)
Ampek F-a2 Recording System
A device that incorporated a living protoplasm, used as a recording and playback system.
(From The Simulacra [1964] by Philip K. Dick)
A cave warren designed to protect a tribal community, with a population of thousands, with its own water supply in an endless desert.
(From Dune [1965] by Frank Herbert)
A method of communication that uses a very narrowly-focused stream of energy.
(From Skylark Three [1930] by E.E. 'Doc' Smith)
A means of communication between two individuals clad in space suits.
(From The Long Way [1944] by George O. Smith)
Parallel Universe
An entirely separate realm or universe that exists along with our own; it may be wildly different or vary from ours by only a tiny degree.
(From Men Like Gods [1923] by H.G. Wells)
Librareome Project
Blasting libraries into bits to create a library of perfect digitized electronic books.
(From Rainbows End [2006] by Vernor Vinge)
A compound that erases specific areas of the brain.
(From To Live Forever [1956] by Jack Vance)
Monopole Mining
Looking for natural sources of monopoles.
(From Protector [1973] by Larry Niven)
Philips Squeeze Gun
A handheld railgun
(From Altered Carbon [2003] by Richard Morgan)
Gyroscope Seats
Your best bet for remaining at the right angle to the force of acceleration.
(From The Black Star Passes [1930] by John W. Campbell)
Device that can determine a person's date of birth - and the date on which he or she will die.
(From Lifeline [1939] by Robert Heinlein)
Barrels of Air
A very early mention of a means for breathing once above the Earth's atmosphere.
(From The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century [1828] by Jane Webb Loudon)
Stage Balloon
A regular means of conveyance, like a train or carriage.
(From The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century [1828] by Jane Webb Loudon)
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