(Most Recent Additions - 3973 Total)
Airlock An intermediate chamber between airless space and the interior of a space craft.
(From The Skylark of Space [1928] by E.E. 'Doc' Smith) |
Wristband Viewer A device for viewing aerial surveillance images that fits on your wrist.
(From Changeling [1980] by Roger Zelazny) |
Optic Prosthesis A replacement for a damaged eye.
(From Changeling [1980] by Roger Zelazny) |
Robot Gun An automated gun; typically used for sentry duty.
(From Aliens [1986] by Alan Dean Foster) |
Inorganic Evolution A process by which robots could alter their own structure, or the ways that they interact with other robots, to adapt to a changing world.
(From The Invincible [1954] by Stanislaw Lem) |
Metal Insects Small autonomous flying winged robots.
(From The Invincible [1954] by Stanislaw Lem) |
Repair Robots Autonomous robots that carry out maintenance functions on a space ship.
(From The Well-Oiled Machine [1950] by H.B. Fyfe) |
Nanomachine Swarm (Black Cloud) A cloud of tiny machines, able to work together autonomously.
(From The Invincible [1954] by Stanislaw Lem) |
Reggie the Bartending Machine A mechanism able to mix drinks; a robot bartender.
(From The Outpost [2002] by Mike Resnick) |
Bibs People who are put in cold-sleep because there is no niche for them in society.
(From Cantata 140 [1964] by Philip K. Dick) |
Syn-Cof Synthetic coffee.
(From Cantata 140 [1964] by Philip K. Dick) |
Artif-Org A mechanical version of a human organ.
(From Cantata 140 [1964] by Philip K. Dick) |
Boulder A device that homed in on a person's brain wave pattern; a very specific assassination device.
(From Cantata 140 [1964] by Philip K. Dick) |
Word Tab A feature of an e-paper document; touch the word tab and get more information.
(From Cantata 140 [1964] by Philip K. Dick) |
Autonomic Food-Processing System Technology allows food to be prepared untouched by human hands.
(From Cantata 140 [1964] by Philip K. Dick) |
Machine Apartment Each person lives isolated in their own room, supported by a vast planetary machine.
(From The Machine Stops [1909] by E.M. Forster) |
Biological Circuit Fabrication Creating an electronic circuit using biologically-based means.
(From The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe [1984] by Author Unknown) |
Asteroid-Metal Metal mined from asteroids.
(From The Mechanical Monarch [1958] by E.C. Tubb) |