(Most Recent Additions - 3953 Total)
Regeneration Tank A nutrient bath large enough to enclose a person that preserved life and treated disease.
(From Contagion [1950] by Katherine MacLean) |
Seven Vane Starship A faster-than-light ship with seven vanes of energy controlled by human nervous systems.
(From Nova [1968] by Samuel R. Delany) |
Sensory-Syrynx A complex musical instrument.
(From Nova [1968] by Samuel R. Delany) |
Emergency Shelter A small cubicle that provides a last refuge in case the spacecraft's atmosphere is lost.
(From 2001: A Space Odyssey [1968] by Arthur C. Clarke) |
Bolt Anti-Grav This device produces a torus-shaped discharge that causes weightlessness.
(From Sacred Martian Pig (Idris' Pig) [1949] by Margaret St. Clair) |
Space Scurvy (Kenoalgia) A wasting disease of space travel.
(From Sacred Martian Pig (Idris' Pig) [1949] by Margaret St. Clair) |
Fluor Strips Lighting long narrow devices.
(From Sacred Martian Pig (Idris' Pig) [1949] by Margaret St. Clair) |
Nucleocat Cureall Only human cells can survive contact.
(From Contagion [1950] by Katherine MacLean) |
Shari A multipurpose net worn as clothing.
(From Sacred Martian Pig (Idris' Pig) [1949] by Margaret St. Clair) |
Asteroid Nets Capturing small asteroids or fragments using rocket nets.
(From Asteroid Justice [1947] by V.E. Thiessen) |
Space-Court The place of judgement for crimes committed in interstellar space.
(From Murder in the Void [1938] by Edmond Hamilton) |
Single Sheet Molecule A counterfeit-proof way to output unique documents.
(From Dorsai! [1960] by Gordon R. Dickson) |
Mnemonic Flutter System (Pulse-Sychronizer) A device to imprint particular facts from a book upon the brain of the reader.
(From Dune Messiah [1969] by Frank Herbert) |
Self-Propelled Space Suit A vacuum suit with a means of propelling itself built in.
(From The Cavern of the Shining Pool [1937] by Leo Zagat) |
Nose-Tubes Rocket blasts from the front of a ship, to brake it.
(From Evans of the Earth-Guard [1930] by Edmond Hamilton) |
Stratocar A vehicle intended for use in traveling through the upper atmosphere.
(From The Cavern of the Shining Pool [1937] by Leo Zagat) |
Ether Eddy A shimmering region of space marking a break-through into another universe.
(From The Cavern of the Shining Pool [1937] by Leo Zagat) |
Plastibulb A squeezable drink container.
(From The Proud Robot [1943] by Lewis Padgett) |