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Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Solar System Ball Chair
Unique chair lets you feel like the Earth is your footstool - or your chair, anyway.

Science Fiction Movie Plus Alt Music Mashups
Find herein a diverting trio of mashups - great sf imagery played against contemporary music.

So It Goes
Author Kurt Vonnegut, who wrote so many books that we've all enjoyed, died yesterday at 84.

NEOImpactor Software Models Asteroid Strike Consequences
Software package estimates the impact, human and economic, of asteroid impacts.

Blimp Swims Through Air Like A Fish
Yet another use for electroactive polymers, helping non-rigid airships swim like fish.

RoCo Robotic Computer Monitor
You spend more time with your computer than with some of your friends; maybe it should know you better.

Firefighter Rescue Robot Eats Humans
This is one rescue robot that could give you a bit of a start.

MiniC.A.T Urban Air Car
This remarkable car is on the verge of mass production in India; it runs entirely on air.

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Desubstantiation Effect

Testing For Human

C-Plus Cannon


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Magnetized Cloth Pajamas


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