Beyond Technovelgy:
Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

The Future Of Cell Phones
The cell phones of the future - probably still drop calls, but they will look extremely cool doing it.

Computers Get 3D View Of World
Remarkable advance makes possible what seemed impractical or undoable just 25 years ago.

Diet Monitors Based On Chewing Sounds
Soon, it may be possible to do away with those cumbersome daily food logs or other diet monitoring aids.

Smart Pills: 'Steroids' For Brainiacs?
Will SAT scores, like baseball statistics, need to have asterisks to indicate the use of performance-enhancing brain stimulants?

Robots Get More Sensitive Sensors
Nanoparticles help robots become more sensitive; thin films provide a sense of touch as good as yours.

Invisible Maze Conceptual Holodek
You need to squint a little to see this invisible maze - but it really is sort of like a holodek (alpha release, that is).

Gattaca-Style DNA Databank For 3 Million Americans
More concerns surface as police gather DNA evidence from people who have only been arrested, not charged or even convicted.

Big Brother TV Or Distributed Citizen Action?
Big Brother or entertaining reality TV taken to a whole new level - you be the judge.

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Robot Row - Robots For Consumers

Desubstantiation Effect

Testing For Human

C-Plus Cannon


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