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Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Robot Taiko Drummers Give Up Factory Day Jobs
These bots are great on their own, but I know a great front man (robot) for them.

Eos TV - The Death Channel
I don't think I would have thought of this one, but if you can get people to watch the weather on TV...

Geckel Adhesive Has Gecko-Mussel Foot Power
To get the ultimate in stickiness, you must sit at the feet of the masters.

Richard Palmer, d3o Inventor, O2 X Entrepreneur of the Year
Inventor Richard Palmer gets a bit of recognition for bringing science fiction to life for all of us.

Robotic Cow Tongues
Artists are supposed to see things differently; raw meat definitely makes a comeback here.

Notificator Robot Messenger Predates Twitter
Social networking is fully automated by the 1930's - didn't you know?

Tangible 3D Display: Reach In And Touch With Haptic Glove
Grab virtual reality by the ..., well, you know what I mean.

EQGuard Home Earthquake Warning Appliance
This system can give you just enough time to run outside.

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