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Comments on iKey AK-39 Wearable Wrist Keyboard
This looks like it might be a good candidate for plowsharing. (Read the complete story)

"Coming to a factory, warehouse, loading dock, or hospital near you. Grow up and drop the anti-military garbage. (The computer that you so happily use is a result of military/space programs. "
( 7/15/2009 9:40:20 PM)
"I didn't see any anti-military garbage. My only complaint is that Predator wouldn't be my first choice for a scifi reference. I would have gone with "The Abyss" at least (couldn't find a picture)."
(Sabre Runner 7/15/2009 10:52:00 PM)
"Interesting that you choose to go nameless and without honor. A Nythingr, a "nothing," without the right to a name, was one who ran from the battle. I see a useful article, hoping that this tech will be allowed to be used, instead of kept locked away. That is not an attack on the military."
(Ashley 7/16/2009 12:35:44 AM)
"Sabre Runner - Ah, you're right. I totally forgot that one."
(Bill Christensen 7/16/2009 4:39:16 AM)
"Agree with Bill. Although, I still like the idea of basic controls in the fingertips/hand actions. I guess the military folks would have to take one-handed speed-typing classes."
(Jake 7/16/2009 1:04:18 PM)
"Jake - I always like to hear about 'unintended consequences' of a new technology. Great thought! "
(Bill Christensen 7/16/2009 5:51:28 PM)
"Twenty-first-century biathlon: You must hold another man down in an 'ultimate fighting' ring with your knee and beat him into submission with you elbow, while simultaneously, on your Nike arm keyboard, winning a Wikipedia edit war on a topic to be announced by the judges at the last minute."
(will make speech-and-debate class much more exciti 7/18/2009 1:48:29 PM)
"'Grow up and drop the _____________ garbage' is really unwarranted abuse, aggravating everybody who ends up here and sees it."
(hormones say i must insult him back 7/18/2009 1:57:49 PM)
"Very Portable Keyboard. I also like the laser projection bluetooth keyboard that I use:"
(kewlkat 9/25/2009 9:58:25 AM)
"Those are cool - here's the same idea, but it implements a virtual piano keyboard."
(Bill Christensen 9/25/2009 5:28:54 PM)

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