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Comments on Headband Telepathy And Robinson's Mindkiller
Mind to mind transfer will take at least twenty years, but we're getting there, according to scientists. (Read the complete story)

""Although I enjoy the occasional technological future as much as (or more than) the next person, this is not something that governments or corporations should have." I don't understand this statement. We're talking about making all current information conveying technologies obsolete. We're talking about human omniscience. Are we to be permanently stuck in the Stone Age just 'cause we're afraid of evil corporations? Did the thought ever occur that we don't have to wear the thing, let alone buy one if we don't want to? P.s. Love the site!"
(Aaron 7/29/2006 4:22:18 AM)
"It may be hard for some people to take this speculation seriously; however, it has real potential to be able to actually induce thoughts and feelings in your mind from the outside. If this proves to be possible, the potential for misuse may outweigh the benefits. I have a long employment history in large corporations; you might be surprised at what they can require employees to do."
(Bill Christensen 7/29/2006 5:08:57 AM)
"I agree with Bill, this is dangerous path for our species to tread. I believe that this device is technologically inevitable in some similar incarnation. This technology represents the ultimate in brainwashing techniques. To underscore Bill's corporate slavery concerns and extrapolate towards other areas of misuse, consider the following; no longer will terrorists have to spend precious time recruiting like-minded individuals willing to detonate themselves for their beliefs, you just grab someone off of the street and slap one of these devices on their heads. Or better yet, someone in a key position of office or access to military high-security operations. In this case, and too many similar, Arron's assertion of voluntary use is a moot point for the victim of this tech who happens to find themselves strapped to a table in some dank cellar reliving some preprogrammed content over and over. The only question unanswered is how may iterations will be necessary to completely convert the subject. Another possible case might be the pedophile who can easily bend the will of his kidnapped victim towards the most twisted of his desires. Of course, the only solution to this delima would be not to let this technology into the hands of the general populus. However, this brings us back to Bill's insidious corporate theme! I don't want to be total wet blanket, this technology has so many potential positive uses. It will completely transform our educational system and likewise, our ability to experience and communicate. However, I want to reiterate that humankind, throughout its entire history has been deeply motivated towards control of their environment, which just so happens to include its members..."
(Richard, Extrapolatory Futurist 8/1/2006 1:31:29 PM)
"Am i missing something here? The tech is about recording sight sound and feel.Not memories,,Have any of you seen strange days,,Good movie from the nineties,and great soundtrack.A fine example of this sort of idea,and a good example of it being misused. If you ask me the idea toward this is enivitable,and i for one look forward to it. As to education richard ,check out who is controlling most countries state education curriulums and who decides what is being taught to whom and where.I am no supporter of conspiracy theorist dogma.I think more alongs the lines of ,let the information flow,,like water it will find its own level."
(terry  8/13/2006 9:53:21 AM)
"This was also explored in an episode of the outer limits, in which everyone in the world was "connected" to a network and could "download" information to their brain. The story was about a man who couldnt connect to this mainframe and thus felt that he was slowly becoming obsolete, In the end though a program ends up rewriting everyones information to decieve us and the one man who wasnt jacked in was the one to save everyone."
(Josh Wood 8/29/2006 2:56:02 PM)
"darn I will have to start thinking in klingon"
(paganwarrior 9/5/2006 11:49:53 AM)
"Just Kidding Seriously there are times when I wish I could share knowledge in such a way. However I must contend that such a technology will certainly be abused. Governments and corporations generally have their own best interests in mind. And many (I daresay most) would jump at the chance to brainwash the populace. I mean just imagine the day when a government decides to instill all citizens with the satisfaction of unquestioning servitude. It seems to me to be a great way to create slaves. Just put the feeling in their mind that it is wonderfull to be a slave. As far as the terrorist idea is concerned they would simply have to download the feelings of zealous outrage from the mind of any terrorist. Then they could forcibly transfer it into any person. It is quite possable to corrupt a reasonable person in such a manor. Religion does a wonderfull job of this without such technology. So in conclusion I have to say that this technology is probably too dangerous to be practical. Better to stay in the stone age and be a free man, then to become a high tech slave. "
(paganwarrior 9/5/2006 12:00:16 PM)
"This device only makes it possible to transmit text, sight, smell, touch, taste and sound. How is that going to lead to mind control? How is that going to lead to easier recruitment of "terrorists"? This has no more potential for mind control than a computer or talking face-to-face w/another person. You cannot stop technological progress because you think it could be used for something bad. Something as simple as a fork is dangerous in the hands of someone who intends to harm others. EVERYTHING is dangerous in someone's hands. To paganwarrior: could you please name someone who doesn't have his own best interests in mind? Also, you cannot download/upload "feelings" w/this device. It doesn't have the potential to "make" anyone feel a certain way, any more than the Internet does. The only difference is that the monitor is now your brain. I'm having a hard time seeing why people who are so comfortably surrounded by technology could be so frightened of a new method of data transfer."
(Gabriel Huffman 9/28/2006 9:01:39 AM)

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