Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

LA Subway Scanner, As Seen In 'Total Recall'
'I'm afraid to tell you this Mr. Quaid, but you have suffered a schizoed embolism...' (re: Philip K. Dick)

Sion Electric Car Covered With Solar Panels
'It drew its power from six square yards of sunpower screens on its low curved roof.' - Robert Heinlein, 1940. (re: Robert Heinlein)

PAL-V Liberty Flying Helicopter Car
'...lifted themselves to skimming flight upon whirling helicopters." - Jack Williamson, 1931. (re: Jack Williamson)

Space Drones - UK's Effective Space To Launch Rocket Tugs
'Twenty rocket tugs towed it from its Earth hangar out into space.' - Nat Schachner, 1937. (re: Nat Schachner)

DIY Autonomous Robot Detects Trash
'The search-bug detached itself and rolled forward.' - Philip K. Dick (re: Philip K. Dick)

Ancient Russian Walking Excavator Would Be Perfect RV
I don't need it to go fast, it just needs to amble along. (re: Jack Vance)

ELROI Satellite 'License Plate'
Robert Heinlein was thinking about this in 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

When Robots Beg For Their Lives
"Just what do you think you're doing... Dave.' (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Do You Still Want A Folding Screen Phone?
'A paper thin polycarbon screen unfurled...' - William Gibson, 1986. (re: William Gibson)

'Snapchat Dysmorphia' Now A Thing, Say Plastic Surgeons
'The program raced up the screen one scan line at a time, subtly smoothing, deleting and coloring.' - Bruce Sterling, 1985. (re: Bruce Sterling)

Quiet Electric Cars Law Finalized By US Transportation Department
'... a sound tape to supply the noise'- Robert Heinlein, 1985. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Drone Assassin Fails To Kill Venezuelan President
'The spotter descends, and we think it searches the vicinity, looking for the victim's face...' - Daniel Suarez, 2012. (re: Daniel Suarez)

Stick-On Tape Speakers, As Predicted By Bruce Sterling
Flexible tape speakers, someday. (re: Bruce Sterling)

Bezos Invites You To New Life In Off-World Colonies
'A new life awaits you!' (re: Ridley Scott)

Amazon's Rekognition System Sees Criminals In Congress
'... the imprint of her image on the telephoto cell.' - Schachner and Zagat, 1931. (re: Schachner and Zagat)

Build Your Own Space Suit For Cheap
'I'm going to pump the air from this room... so that the interior will be like airless and pressure-less space.'- Otto Willi Gail, 1929. (re: Otto Willi Gail)

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