Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Svalbard Seed Vault (aka Doomsday Vault) Gets Upgrades
'But they existed in the Life Bank, as did virtually every plant and animal that existed on Old Earth.' - John Varley, 1977. (re: John Varley)

Disney Vyloo Robots With Personality
'Let's build robots with Genuine People Personalities...' - Douglas Adams, 1979. (re: Douglas Adams)

'Princess Leia Project' Images That Float In The Air
Help me, Daniel Smalley; you're our only hope. (re: George Lucas)

Americans! Stay Indoors To Save Energy
'Those funny old days, when men went for change of air instead of changing the air in their rooms!' - EM Forster, 1909. (re: EM Forster)

Self-Healing Skin For Robots
If you can't self-heal, you're not much good to us. (re: James Cameron)

A 'Genuine Nanorobotic Production Factory'
'Microscopic machinery, smaller than ants, smaller than pins, working energetically, purposefully - constructing something...' - Philip K Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Neuromorphic Computer Offers Non-von Neumann Architecture
Fires faster than brain at 1/10K energy. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Evorus Your Crowd-Powered Conversational Assistant
'...the DS [Daily Schedule] was suddenly transformed into a valued confidante.' (re: Frank Herbert)

Mealworms Food Of The Future
Get your grubs on. (re: David Brin)

Alibaba's AI May Read Better Than You
'Mike ... could accept other languages and was doing technical translating - and reading endlessly.' - Robert Heinlein, 1966. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Musk's Boring Flamethrower
'Skeletons in tatters. Burned by a flesh gun'- Alfred Bester, 1974. (re: John Brunner)

Humanity Star LEO Advertisement?
'Everyone has noticed those enormous advertisements...' Jules Verne, 1889. (re: Jules Verne)

Nissan ProPILOT Slippers Are Self-Parking, Autonomous
Beyond science and fiction, that's what they are. (re: Terry Prachett)

Atomristors - Atomic Memristors - Using Thin Nanomaterials
'I could almost feel those little tunnel junction neuristors working, forming their own interconnections as I operated it.' - Robert Heinlein, 1966. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Bigelow Prepares Inflatable Lunar Hotel
'Suddenly, hitherto unheard-of sums of money became available for investment in civilian orbital stations.' - Carl Sagan, 1985. (re: Car Sagan)

Medical Exoskeleton From Cyberdyne Gets FDA Approval
It's been a long road for HAL-5; I started writing about it in 2005. (re: Fritz Leiber)

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