Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

The Space Suit As Personal Spaceship
'Darn clever, these suits...' - Jack Williamson, 1933. (re: Jack Williamson)

Dune Fans! Your God Emperor Is Ready
'If one held a sandtrout in the hand, smoothing it over your skin, it formed a living glove.' - Frank Herbert, 1976. (re: Frank Herbert)

Robot Strolls Field, Examines EVERY Plant
'The great machines that did the work ... required but a few dozen men to cultivate an entire county.' - John W. Campbell (re: John W. Campbell)

Sweden Outlaws Drones
'An eye that could not only see, but fly, roam, travel at speeds and in directions to suit its operator...' (re: Manly Wade Wellman)

Wear Your Self-Powered Generator
'It's basically a micro-sandwich...' - Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

TITAN-III Spider Robot Is WAY Too Quick (Video)
'My little friends can find you wherever you go!' - Michael Crichton, 1984. (re: Michael Crichton)

Bill Gates Suggests Tax On Robots
'A worker replaced by a nubot that 'appears or pretends to be human' had to be compensated...'- John Twelve Hawks, 2014. (re: John Twelve Hawks)

Handle, New Wheeled Hopping Robot
'the hopper sprang thirty feet into the air...' - Isaac Asimov, 1954. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Matrix Sentinel Ancestor, The Pipe Inspector Robot From Krakow
Watch out, Keanu! (re: Wachowskis)

Auto-Focus Smart Glasses Have Liquid Lenses
'Hufhuf oil held in static tension by an enclosing force field within a viewing tube...' - Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

Robotic Physician Assistant Has Steady 'Hands'
'You turned the screws below and the prongs moved... with caliper slowness, minuteness and precision.' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1939. (re: Raymond Z. Gallun)

Roboy 3DPrinted Humanoid Robot
'A robot child that would be reared within the bosom of a human family...' - Henry Slesar, 1958. (re: Henry Slesar)

Robird Flapping Wing Drones Keep Airports Safe
'Mitch heard a rasping, flacketing buzz, like a big insect...' - Greg Bear, 2003. (re: Greg Bear)

3D Printed Fashion - Plastirobes And Transdresses
'... dial a new fashion every day!' - Niven and Barnes, 1992. (re: Niven and Barnes)

Robotic Lawn Mower Powered By Sun, Arduino
'The mower reached the edge of the lawn, clucked to itself like a contented hen...' - Clifford Simak, 1944. (re: Clifford SImak)

Google Perfects 'Blade Runner-style' Photo Details
'Pull back... stop... enhance 57-19...' - Blade Runner, 1982. (re: Ridley Scott)

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