Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

DARPA Drone Distinguishes Soldiers And Civilians
I'm not sure I want to talk to ED-209... (re: Various)

Robo-Dolphin Demonstrates Porpoising
'With one fluid motion, it surged forward, plunged, and was gone.' - Michael Swanwick, 2002. (re: Michael Swanwick)

Vahana, The Airbus Flying Taxi
'The cab came floating down out of the sky at the intersection.' (re: James Blish)

Dubai Considers Robocop
'This was a nice-looking hunk of machinery. - Harry Harrison, 1958. (re: Harry Harrison)

GyroGlove Idea For Parkinson's Was Suggested In 1926
'The gyroscope was revolving at the rate of three thousand revolutions a minute, and the slight humming was hardly noticeable...' - Ellis Parker Butler, 1926 (re: Ellis Parker Butler)

Otto Self-Driving Truck Kit Delivers Budweiser Beer
'Trucks gulped packages and scurried like beetles...' - Poul Anderson, 1956. (re: Poul Anderson)

Airnest Drone Flight Logging Tool
'He reached to unsnap the cartograph from his belt.'- Jack Williamson, 1931. (re: Jack Williamson)

Untethered Drone Gets Wireless Power
'We'll use my 'broomstick'.' - Robert Heinlein, 1942. (re: Robert Heinlein)

ESA Plans Akon Projectile To Europa ala Jules Verne
'... might [it] not be possible to project a shot up to the moon?' Jules Verne, 1867. (re: Jules Verne)

Transparent OLED TV By Panasonic
It's the look of things to come. (re: HG Wells)

Shape-Memory Metal Transforms Millions Of Times
'Annealed in any shape for a time, and codified, the structure of that shape is retained down to the molecules.' - Samuel R. Delany (re: Samuel R. Delany)

Advertising Drones Hover Over Traffic In Mexico
'Blurbflies are allowd to travel the streets, buzzing their adverts alive and direct...' - Jeff Noon, 2000. (re: Jeff Noon)

How Can Amazon Patent A Voice-Controlled Drone?
''Tight mid-shot...' he told it.' Karen Traviss, 2004. (re: Karen Traviss)

'North Sense' Wearable Piercing From Cyborg Nest
'The fingers opened from the many-scaled stellarimeter grafted onto his palm.' - Samuel R. Delany, 1966. (re: Samuel R. Delany)

proCover Smart Sock Prosthetic Limb Enhancement
'Series of chemelectric afferent nerve-analogues, which permitted it to gauge to an ounce...' - Roger Zelazny, 1965. (re: Roger Zelazny)

Robots And AIs Will Replace Humans At 7 Percent Of U.S. Jobs
'And Mike took on endless new jobs.' - Robert Heinlein, 1966. (re: Robert Heinlein)

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