Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

FlexEnable OLED Bracelet SmartPhone Concept
'The tiny screen in the bracelet's center...' - Roger Zelazny, 1980. (re: Roger Zelazny)

Cyborg Cardiac Patch Combines Organics And Electronics
'[It] had not yet objected to being made over into a portion of an electronic system... '- Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K DIck)

Nadine Robot Cares For Dementia Patients
'The robant and the tiny old woman entered the control room slowly...' - Philip K Dick, 1953. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Robot Science Fiction Calms Older Adults
I'll be back... to ease your anxiety about robots! (re: Various)

Human Academics Recommend AIs As Teachers
'... the torrent of facts that came from the memory cells of the City Fathers...' - James Blish, 1957. (re: James Blish)

Google Engineers Not Sure What Google RankBrain AI Is Doing
'What lay down there? ...And how far had it spread? Miles?' - Philip K. Dick, 1960. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Military Implants To Boost Memory
'He... pried a bright magenta splinter from his socket with a dirty thumbnail.' - William Gibson, 1985. (re: William Gibson)

Bionic Fingertips Would Have Improved Anakin's Experience
Regaining the sense of touch with artificial fingertips. (re: George Lucas)

Eagle-360 Spherical Wheel Concept
"AAAAaaargh!" - Will Smith, I, Robot (2004) (re: Various)

Smart Clothing From Finland
'A dress can change its color and texture in a few seconds...' - JG Ballard, 1970. (re: JG Ballard)

Lab-Grown Human Eyeball Tech Advances
'The eyes were vatgrown sea-green Nikon transplants.' - William Gibson, 1984. (re: Ridley Scott)

AlphaGo AI Defeats Go champion Lee Sedol
An amazing achievement for artificial intelligence researchers. (re: Ambrose Bierce)

Archinaut 3D Printing Autonomous Space Manufacturing System
Crawling across the structures of future space craft. (re: Charles Sheffield)

Volcanoes Terraformed Mars?
'When yon volcanoes belch gas...' - Niven and Pournelle. (re: Niven and Pournelle)

Ready For Your Halting State Driverless Drone Future?
'You hate the whole idea that some bored drone pusher in a remote driving centre has got your life... in his hands.' - Charles Stross, 2007. (re: Charles Stross)

Snow Crash And Domino's DXP Pizza Delivery Vehicle
'The electromechanical hatch on the flank of his car is already opening to reveal his empty pizza slots...' - Neil Stephenson, 1992. (re: Neal Stephenson)

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