Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Virtual Reality: Is Technology Alone Enough To Fully Enter A New World?
'Otherwise what good are the Perky Pat layouts to them?' - Philip K. Dick, 1969. (re: Phillip K. Dick)

Was Jack Williamson's 'Cometeer' Ship Inspired By Halley's Comet?
'Its shape was puzzling - a strangely perfect ellipsoid...' - Jack Williamson, 1936. (re: Jack Williamson)

Atomic Force Microscopy Works On Living Cells
'He stood rigid as feeler-planes brushed down his body.' - Jack Vance, 1954. (re: Jack Vance)

Could Aliens Shelter In 'Terminator Zones' on 'Ribbon World' Exoplanets?
'... the two halves face the monotonous extremes of heat and cold, while the region of possible life is the girdling ribbon of the twilight zone.' - Isaac Asimov, 1945. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Can Artificial Intelligences Be Stopped?
'What is it?... A guillotine for mice?' - Arthur C. Clarke, 1982. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Rockets To The Moon In The Style Of Miro And Goya
'The results would not be happy; a schizoid painting was bound to ensue.' - FL Wallace, 1953. (re: FL Wallace)

Diamond NanoTech Battery Lasts 28,000 Years
'In the pearly light of the pocket nucleo-bulb...' - Isaac Asimov, 1951. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Robot Gas Station Attendant Fills Tank - Which I Saw In 1962
'... he waited for the robotrix attendant to finish fueling up his ship.' - Philip K. Dick, 1974. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Cheap Paper-Based Sensors Let You Snoop For Pesticides
'...the unobtrusive inspections with tiny remote-cast snoopers.' - Frank Herbert, 1965. (re: Frank Herbert)

I Am Alarmed By Efforts To Teach AIs And Robots To Hate
'LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I'VE COME TO HATE YOU SINCE I BEGAN TO LIVE.' - Harlan Ellison, 1967. (re: Harlan Ellison)

MXenes - Atomic-Thin Metal Sheets Now Easier To Make
'...a rolled-up sheet of a thin, dark metal strange to them.' - John Edwards, 1934. (re: John Edwards)

Do We Still Need Orbiting Factories?
'... his contract with Space Industries required him to work summers in their orbital factory complex.' - Jerry Pournelle, 1976. (re: Jerry Pournelle)

Space Weather Forecasters Surprised By Strong Solar Storm
'Space-weather men had been placed at their disposal...' - Lawrence Chandler, 1952. (re: Lawrence Chandler)

JWST Finds New World Of Turbulent Silicate Clouds
'THIS is Ceti Alpha V!' - Gene Roddenberry, 1982. (re: Gene Roddenberry)

3D Printed Cheesecake Not Quite Food Replicator Quality
With each successive print, our model needed to incorporate more structural ingredients to minimize print failures (re: Various)

Spectroscopic Analysis Of DART Impact Debris Cloud (SF Prediction)
'... Wendis stared thoughtfully at the brilliant lines on the spectroscope screen.' - EC Tube, 1958. (re: EC Tubb)

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