Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Rolls Royce Electric Airplane Breaks Records
'A white electric plane approached at great speed...' - Charles Cloukey, 1930. (re: Charles Cloukey)

Chang'e-5 Lunar Lander Seeks Water
'... get out the solar power apparatus and send it down to us from the air-lock by the crane.' - Max Valier, 1931. (re: Max Valier)

A Kill Switch For Your Car?
'The car faltered as the external command came to brake...' - Keith Laumer, 1965. (re: Keith Laumer)

Scientifiction, Searchlight of Science
'And science goes on, with scientifiction as its searchlight.' (re: Jack Williamson)

Wearable Biomedical Sensors Printed Directly On Your Skin
'The dragon is a skin computer... People put it on their arms and exchange personal data.' Greg Bear, 2009. (re: Greg Bear)

Artificial, Implantable Kidney Prototype
'George Walt's corporate existence proved the workability of wholly mechanical organs...' - Philip K. Dick, 1964. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Ultra-short Pulse Laser Kills Bacteria In Vivo
'...coherent beams at precise wave-lengths passing through her flesh to zap foreign molecules within her body.' - Robert J. Sawyer, 2003. (re: Robert J. Sawyer)

Bioprint Prototype Handheld Bioprinter
'He turned the little art-derm nozzle...' - Philip K. Dick, 1960. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Betty Crocker, The First Company Avatar
'After six months of surgery and psycho-conditioning, he was identical with the other 496 Mr. Prestos...' - Alfred Bester, 1956. (re: Alfred Bester)

Augmented Reality Book Covers Reveal The Inner Book
'The E-paper holograms leaped from lurid covers...' - Greg Bear, 2003. (re: Greg Bear)

The First Multi-User Hologram Table?
Let the Wookiee win. - George Lucas, 1976. (re: George Lucas)

Apollo 8 Astronauts Pass The Equigravisphere
'... divers other objects, firearms and bottles, abandoned to themselves, held themselves up as by enchantment.' - Jules Verne, 1867. (re: Jules Verne)

Stellar Pizza Is A Pizza Robot That Comes To You
'No hand touched the food...' - Edgar Rice Burroughs, 1912 (re: Edgar Rice Burroughs)

Yamaha MOTOROiD Living Motorcycle Experiment
'He had never ridden any motorized device that lacked onboard steering and balance systems.' - Bruce Sterling, 1998. (re: Bruce Sterling)

China Treating Helium-3 On The Moon Seriously
Nothing like the movies to show what science fictional ideas might work. (re: Duncan Jones)

Solar Power Camper Van, As Predicted By Robert Heinlein in 1940
'It could maintain a steady six miles per hour on smooth, level pavement.' - Robert Heinlein, 1940. (re: Robert Heinlein)

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