Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

iLimb Bionic Hand Now Ready For Market
Remarkable invention now ready to wear. (re: Various)

RapLeaf, Whuffie and Strakh
What is the best way to apportion goods between people in a society? How about starting with a reputation manager? (re: Jack Vance)

BioSuit Space Suit Vs. Tentacle Monsters
Looks like those science fiction movies that depicted people in skin tight space suits knew what they were doing. (re: Manly Wade Wellman)

Gesture-Controlled TV Update
Now you can control your TV with gestures, not just make gestures at your TV. (re: Various)

RunBot Learns To Walk At Human Speed
Better put on your walking shoes to keep up with this robot. (re: Karel Capek)

Wakamaru Robot Receptionists Hired By Temp Agency
This mobile, friendly, singing robot is now ready to go to work in your office. (re: Karel Capek)

MULE Autonomous Navigation Vehicle By Lockheed Martin
This robotic device is described in several different sf stories; it sounds handy. (re: Anthony Boucher)

No-Way Physics And Science Fiction
Do you like your physics possible, or impossible? SF lets you have it both ways. (re: Various)

TASER XREP Neuro-Muscular Incapacitation
This little device comes just 132 years after it was first conceptualized by Jules Verne. (re: Jules Verne)

Robot Workers Ready To Go Postal
This robot is surprisingly competent at a human task - sorting packages. (re: Various)

Web Photos Now Have Zero Credibility
Now anyone can rewrite history, taking only seconds for each precious photo. (re: George Orwell)

Paper Four Video
Excellent video really shows off cool display technology. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Micro Air Vehicle In Use In Iraq
This waste-basket-sized vehicle lets you see what's happening just ahead - maybe even on Hoth. (re: George Lucas)

Vibration Energy Scavenging By Tiny Generator
This tiny generator might appear in a heart near you. (re: Harl Vincent)

HortiBot - Autonomous Weed 'n Feed AgBot
This robot has handy, yet deadly, attachments to fight our weed enemies. (re: Michael Crichton)

Transparent TV From Active Inc (And H.G. Wells)
This looks like a great product - H.G. Wells would be very glad to see it, having thought of it seventy years ago. (re: H.G. Wells)

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