Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Debris Cloud From Chinese ASAT A Menace To Space Lanes
Arr, best keep a weather eye for Chinese weather satellite debris whilst passing through the debris cloud... (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

X-Hawk Fancraft Like Blade Runner Flying Car?
Interesting working prototype of a flying car-style VTOL aircraft. (re: Ridley Scott)

Whereabouts Clock Set to 'Unreleased'
What ever happened to the Whereabouts Clock? I should have one by now - all my kids have cell phones. (re: J.K. Rowling)

Robot Parking In Fact and In Fiction
Okay, George Jetson had a car that folded into a briefcase; but you can take your car to NYC and have the robot garage park it for you in real life. (re: Robert Heinlein)

WiiBot Kuka Robot Controlled WiiMotely
Two engineers create a non-trivial fencing and tennis-playing robot - part Kuka, part Wii. (re: Frank Herbert)

Transformer Clothing
J.G. Ballard wrote about clothing that would do this - but it's been implemented using a more mechanistic technology. (re: J.G. Ballard)

Whisson Windmills To Water Australia Like Vaporators?
Inventor from Oz creates windmills that pull water from the air - then you'll really need a droid that speaks the binary language of moisture vaporators. (re: George Lucas)

Immortal Computing - Microsoft's 'House Records'
Interesting patent troll by Microsoft reveals an interest in the history of computers and digital information. (re: Frank Herbert)

Active Denial System Heat Ray Warming Up
Raytheon finally gets this nonlethal crowd-dispersing weapon out in public view. (re: H.G. Wells)

Sniffer Robot With Infotaxis Algorithms On The Hunt
New algorithms bring Ray Bradbury's hunting mechanical hound closer - do you know who has your olfactory combination on file? (re: Ray Bradbury)

TechX Urban Warfare Robot Challenge
Street-fighting autonomous robots wanted for new Challenge. (re: James Cameron)

DAVID Freeware Laser Range Scanning
Excellent software package solves problems that only science fiction authors attempted a generation ago. (re: Jack Vance)

Internet Kiosks Around The World
Everywhere you go, there you are - on the Internet. (re: Various)

Robot Nurses Seem Unavoidable
Worried about impersonal health care? How about some nice, caring 'intelligent robot swarms?' (re: David H. Keller)

HyperBike - NASA-Supported Heinlein Lunocycle?
This unique bicycle combines elements of old-fashioned big wheels and racing wheelchairs. NASA's interested, too. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Gravity Assist Will Help Pluto-Bound Craft
Jupiter will offer NASA a real speed boost in February - who thought of how to do it first? (re: Ray Cummings)

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