Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Tether Asteroids To Save Us All
'If anything can glue the asteroids back into the planet they once were, magnology will do it.' - Richard Wilson, 1958. (re: Richard Wilson)

Blaux Your Personal Commuter Cooling Unit
A cooling unit had to be strapped to every commuter's back, by law. (re: Philip K. Dick)

3D Printed Damascus Steel Now Possible
'... lined with durite, that strange close-packed laboratory product.' - Robert Heinlein, 1939. (re: Robert Heinlein)

R9X Hellfire Missile With Long Blades Kills Queda Leader
'He was still roaring when the knife missile flicked past him...' - Iain M. Banks, 1990. (re: Iain M. Banks)

Would You Swallow An Origami Robot?
'Swallow it in an emergency--it goes down easily and works just as well inside as outside.' - Doc Smith, 1934. (re: EE 'Doc' Smith)

Perhaps You Might Be Interested In Habitable Exoplanet Moon Real Estate
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... (re: George Lucas)

Blurry Face Photos Made 60 Times Sharper
Perfect tool for blade runners. (re: Ridley Scott)

SpaceX Will Build Floating Spaceports!
'...a single perfectly level platform, which rose so high above the water that it was not splashed by the waves.' - Otfrid von Hanstein, 1930. (re: Otfrid von Hansten)

Fast Radio Bursts And Space Beacons For Interstellar Navigation
'Every beacon has a code signal as part of its radiation...' - Harry Harrison, 1959. (re: Harry Harrison)

Robot Garbage Trucks Visualized
'It was a bulky, shining cylinder over twenty metres long.' - Harry Harrison, 1956 (re: Harry Harrison)

Clarke Was Right, Artificial Intelligences DO Dream
'Of course you will dream. No one knows why." - Arthur C. Clarke, 1984. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

Tesla Roadster Plus SpaceX Thrusters Equals Rocket Car
'The car surged and lifted...' - Robert Heinlein, 1941. (re: Robert Heinlein)

SunnyFive 'Window' Has Full Spectrum Angled Natural Light
'On the ceilings are screens.' - Stanislaw Lem, 1961. (re: Stanislaw Lem)

Rippling Fin Robot Drone Swims And Walks
'... the curious parallelism to animal motions, which was so striking and disturbing to the human beholder...' - HG Wells, 1898. (re: HG Wells)

Space Weather News!
'On the three-dimensional map at weather headquarters on the planet Kaider III, the storm was colored orange.' - AE van Vogt, 1943. (re: AE van Vogt)

Liftware Level, Google's Smart Spoon
'The result was indeed marvelous... I did not stagger and I did not reel.' - Ellis Parker Butler, 1926. (re: Ellis Parker Butler)

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