Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

California Gets Shockwave Rider-Style Avoidance Zones
'It was cheaper to pay the refugees to go without up-to-the-minute equipment.' (re: John Brunner)

Microbot Interstellar von Neumann Explorers
‘ Maybe some of them are geared to escape velocity.’ - Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K Dick)

Hail SmartCan! Your Trash Bin Takes Itself Out
'...a waste can twenty feet away stirred into life.' - Harry Harrison, 1959. (re: Harry Harrison)

Finally! Microsoft Surface Neo And Surface Duo Implement Excellent Courier Idea
'Runcible, whose pages were thicker and more densely packed with computational machinery...' - Neal Stephenson, 1995. (re: Neal Stephenson)

Tap Strap 2 Now With Air Mouse
'He waved his hand and the circuit switched abruptly.' - Philip K. Dick, 1955. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Legal Profession Now Fairly Bristling With AI
'The virtual counsel appeared to be about forty-five years old and prosperous.' - Greg Bear, 2007 (re: David Brin)

Entire Planet Modeled In New MS Flight Sim
'CIC uses [it] to keep track of every bit of spatial information that it owns...' - Neal Stephenson, 1992. (re: Neal Stephenson)

FlyZoo Robot Hotel By Alibaba
'... hotels that specialized in non-human service.'- Harry Harrison, 1970. (re: Harry Harrison)

Implanted Memories Provide Songs To Birds
Finches can't tell the difference. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Robot Tuna Swims As Fast As Nature's Tuna
'With one fluid motion, it surged forward, plunged, and was gone.' - Michael Swanwick, 2002. (re: Michael Swanwick)

Shapeshifter Robot Is Comprised Of Cobots
'Its lines wavered, flowed, and then painfully reformed. For an interval, the device struggled with itself...' - Philip K. Dick, 1957. (re: Philip K. Dick)

Google Commits To Fighting Deepfakes
'The program raced up the screen one scan line at a time, subtly smoothing, deleting and coloring.' - Bruce Sterling, 1995. (re: Bruce Sterling)

China Accused Of Harvesting Organs From Unwanted Groups
'The death penalty was his immortality, and he would vote the death penalty for any crime at all.' Larry Niven, 1967. (re: Larry Niven)

Osmiridium Sounds Like Science Fiction (But It's Not!)
I can't resist science-fictional elements. Especially when they're real. (re: Jack Vance)

When Will We See The First Space Hotel?
'The heart of it was a vast hexagonal structure of welded metal, ten miles across...' - Jack Williamson, 1939. (re: Jack Williamson)

SpaceX Starhopper Has Flash Gordon Style
SpaceX makes retro cool spacecraft. (re: Various)

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