Between Planets by Robert Heinlein:
Science Fiction Inventions, Technology and Ideas

In this novel, a young man is called from the Earth to an alien world. He finds a revolution, one that is based on a matter of that is dear to American's hearts, the disregard of government for the rights of the individual. Great Heinlein juvenile novel. (This story was published that same year in a more condensed version in three parts in Blue Book Magazine under the title Planets in Combat.) Select an invention:

An fully automated taxi cab.

A smuggler of books.

Cold-Sleep - hibernation between the stars
A form of induced suspended animation, in which a person enters a state like hibernation.

Guided Missile Control Station
An orbital missile base.

Half-Sphere Force Field - not an ordinary spherical force field
A protective force field that can manifest even as a half-sphere.

Martian Perambulator
A mechanized transport for heavy gravity environments for beings born in lower gravity environments.

A very thin wire used for recording purposes.

Molecule Matrix
Storing information in individual molecules and atoms.

Movable Slideway - it comes to you
A slideway (moving sidewalk) that can be extended to a spaceship to ease the debarkation process.

Powered artificial exoskeleton
A robotic device designed to support someone too weak to comfortably move in high gravity.

Security Restraint Field
A force field that restricts personal movement.

Shuttle Ship - early Space Shuttle
A spacecraft that could take off from a planet, rendezvous with an object in orbit, and fly back to the surface like a glider.

Space Transfer Station
An orbiting space station primarily used as a stepping-off point from Earth.

Spinning Pressurized Drum
Put a spin on just a part of a space station.

Winged Rocket Shuttle
A sort of plane that briefly reached space while traveling between points on a planet. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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