Steven Spielberg:
Science Fiction Technology and Ideas
Steven Spielberg (b. 1946) was given his first contract as a director at age twenty (for television). His many films include Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, Jurassic Park, Minority Report, Schindler's List and more. He co-founded Dreamworks SKG.
Invention/Technology Source Work (Publication Date)

Data Tiles - panes of data
Transparent panes that contain data and programs.

Minority Report (Movie) (2002)

E-paper Newspaper
A paper-thin, flexible LCD-style display that is large enough to display a full newspaper page.

Minority Report (Movie) (2002)

Halo - get that man a hat!
Device that incapacitates a person by inducing unconsciousness.

Minority Report (Movie) (2002)

Immersive Home Video
Technology lets users interact with home videos.

Minority Report (Movie) (2002)

Minority Report Ads (Biometric Personalized Ads)
Advertisements that speak directly to the consumer in public settings.

Minority Report (Movie) (2002)

Public Iris Scanner - Mr. Anderton
A device that uses iris-scanning for identification, and does not require subject awareness.

Minority Report (Movie) (2002)

Sick Stick - instant nausea
Baton that induces vomiting upon contact.

Minority Report (Movie) (2002)

Spider Robot - swarming spider bots
Tiny spider-sized robots that are able to search buildings and identify occupants.

Minority Report (Movie) (2002)

Wired Glove Interface Display - gesture interface from Minority Report
A large screen display that uses a wired glove interface.

Minority Report (Movie) (2002)

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