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Nexus 6 Phone Vs. Nexus-6 Android Comparison

Whatever the name of Google's newest Nexus phone, I'm sure it will be suitably advanced, and will show the way for Apple (as has been the case with the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus).

However, there is a possible problem. The Philip K Dick estate is apparently worried that people might confuse the Nexus-6 android with the Nexus 6 phone, and so the names might be changing. The Nexus-6 android (called a "replicant" in the film) was a highly advanced artificial, organic humanoid.

Let's compare the two.

Nexus 6 Phone (Google)

(Nexus 6 phone mock-up)

The device we’ve learned about is actually going to pack a 5.92-inch screen, as mentioned above, with QHD resolution of 2560 x 1440. This dense screen according to our calculations comes out to be 498 PPI—a fairly impressive number for any smartphone. As such, it’s going to have a battery that is equally impressive, packing 3,200 mAh to power all of those pixels.

As for the camera, it’s actually going to be a 13 MP shooter on the back, and as previously rumored, we can corroborate that it should have the ability to shoot 4K UHD video at launch. As for the front shooter, the device is going to have a 2 MP camera that is identical to the one on the 2nd generation Moto X.

It is our understanding at this point that the device will have a Snapdragon 805 processor as many have suspected and will pack 3 GB of RAM. As far as flash storage goes, we’re directly familiar with at least one device of the 32 GB storage capacity, but other capacities will likely also be available at some point. Interestingly, we’re yet to become aware of a “Shamu” device running 64-bit Android L (which was one of its most important new features), which leads us to question if the final product will take advantage of those performance improvements.

Nexus-6 Android (Philip K. Dick)

(Roy Batty, Nexus-6, in Blade Runner)

"The Nexus-6 did have two trillion constituents plus a choice within a range of ten million possible combinations of cerebral activity. In .45 of a second an android equipped with such a brain could assume any one of fourteen basic reaction-postures. Well, no intelligence test could trap such an andy. But then, intelligence tests hadn't trapped an andy in years, not since the primordial, crude varieties of the 1970's."

In other words, androids equipped with the new Nexus-6 brain unit had from a sort of rough pragmatic standpoint evolved beyond a major - but inferior - segment of mankind...
(Read more about the Nexus-6)

And here's something you won't see, even from the highly focused Google android fans at 9tp5Google - a preview of the Nexus-7!

Via 9to5google.

Scroll down for more stories in the same category. (Story submitted 9/26/2014)

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