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"What has allowed so many Psychopathic Personalities to rise so high in corporations and government, is that they are so decisive. Unlike normal people, they are never filled with doubts, for the simple reason that they cannot care what happens next."
- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

DreamTime Scleral Contact Lenses  
  Full-size contact lenses that can provide an augmented reality view.  

In the novel, which makes use of augmented reality for fantasy and gaming, it appears that some characters are more fully equipped than others.

Sharon flinched as the whites of Bishop's eyes turned dark blue.

"What the..."

His hand snapped up in command. "[Shut up]... This room is being scanned."

To Nigel Bishop, the walls had become blue glass. He saw and evaluated holographic projection equipment, fiber optics, electrical and plumbing, communications...

His eyes no longer resembled human eyes...

"Scleral lenses?" she asked. "You've got DreamTime technology in contact lenses? That's not available to the public!"

No mere gamer had Bishop's level of technology. It took very special connections. The kind that could pierce an Embryadopt screen.

Technovelgy from The California Voodoo Game, by Larry Niven (w/S. Barnes).
Published by Ballantine in 1992
Additional resources -

Scleral lenses are different from today's contact lenses. Scleral lenses cover the entire surface of the eye, including the sclera, the white portion of the eye. The portion of the lens that covers the cornea is a domed surface. Scleral lenses were originally developed in the 19th century and are still used by some people, particularly by those who need rigid lenses to see clearly but cannot tolerate modern small contact lenses.

Compare to smart contact lenses from Fast Times At Fairmont High (2002) by Vernor Vinge.

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Additional resources:
  More Ideas and Technology from The California Voodoo Game
  More Ideas and Technology by Larry Niven (w/S. Barnes)
  Tech news articles related to The California Voodoo Game
  Tech news articles related to works by Larry Niven (w/S. Barnes)

DreamTime Scleral Contact Lenses-related news articles:
  - Pressure-Sensing Contact Lenses Monitor Glaucoma
  - Smart Contact Lens With Power Harvesting Circuits
  - Innovega IOptik Micro-Display Contact Lenses
  - Virtual Reality Contact Lens Shows One Pixel
  - LCD-based Smart Contact Lens Display
  - Contact Lens Video Display Electronics Now Transparent
  - 3D Printing Of LED Display Contact Lenses
  - Augmented Reality On Construction Sites

Articles related to Display
Transparent MicroLED Screen From Samsung
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Looking Glass Display Good Enough For Science Fiction, Fantasy

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