Science Fiction in the News Articles
Related to material in The Scarab
by Raymond Z. Gallun

('The Scarab' by Raymond Z. Gallun)

Classic story by Gallun, a neglected master of the genre in the Thirties. A mysterious fortress threatens humanity; it seems impossible to get in and discover its secrets. It's not impossible for ... the Scarab!

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

Insbot Robot Cockroaches Make Friends And Influence... Roaches
   Tiny robots with Dale Carnegie-style programming help scientists learn about animals that exhibit group behaviors.

'New' Israeli Bionic Hornet Concept Is 70 Years Old
   The Israelis shouldn't bother with making up science-fictional insect-sized robots - let the writers do it!

Insect Lab Beetle Clockwork Sculpture
   Not robots - but an amazingly cool set of sculptures that are a science-fiction fan's dream come true - if you think about insects and clockwork.

Jumping Microrobot 'Flea' Is Solar Powered
   Little fleas have littler fleas, it is said. Here comes one now.

Bandai Hex Bug Toy Robot Infestation
   These tiny pests need to be paid, and probably kept charged as well (see pix and video).

Robotic Fly Micro Air Vehicle
   I'd hate to think that one guy with a flyswatter could take down your entire air force.

Morphing Micro Air-Land Vehicle: It Flies, It Crawls
   There is something definitely creepy about a small flying vehicle that also crawls along to be able to spy better.

DelFly Micro Smallest Camera Plane
   Look out - this tiny MAV ornithopter can be steered remotely using the video feed from its tiny camera.

ExoFly Flapping Planetary Survey Aerobot
   Visionary use of the tiny DelFly micro camera plane in planetary exploration and survey is planned.

Katana Mono-Wing Rotorcraft Nano Air Vehicle
   DARPA is financing this coin-sized flying machine; take a look at four imagined futures as well.

Stealthy, Persistent Perch and Stare UAVs
   Yet another DARPA program that proves they've been reading great science fiction from the Thirties (and beyond).

Robo-Bat Has Shape Memory Alloy Joints
   Cutting edge materials used for bones, joints and muscles make this robotic bat as light as possible.

Robobees To Swarm At Harvard
   Ten million dollars from the NSF for wild-eyed science fiction from the 1930's? You betcha.

Bio-Mechanics And Micro-Robotic Flight
   Take a close look at one of nature's wonders - the micro air vehicle called a dragonfly.

Perching Project Drones Wait For You
   A surveillance officer's dream, flocks of these little drones may be perching in cities near you one day.

Insectothopter Robotic Dragonfly CIA Tech From 1970s
   See the video; this is pretty amazing for the 1970's.

Microcamera Big As Grain Of Salt
   New manufacturing process yields tiny cameras no larger than a coarse grain of salt.

Robobee Learns The Waggle Dance
   Karl von Frisch, are you watching this?

BOLT Bipedal Ornithopter Robot
   Remarkable video shows progress in flapping wing robotic MAVs.

Israel's Robotic Butterfly Drone Flies Indoors
   'There it studied its surroundings, transmitting to its manipulator... all that it heard through its ear microphones and saw with its minute vision tubes.'

Can't Wait For My Robot Dragonfly!
   'It studied its surroundings, transmitting to its manipulator... all that it heard through its ear microphones and saw with its minute vision tubes.' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

Black Hornet Nano UAV Used By British Troops
   'The Scarab paused on its perch for a moment...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

RoboBee Swarm Replaces Pollinating Insects?
   'With a buzz that any uninformed person would have mistaken for that of a beetle, it started out on its journey.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

Drosophila Robotica, The Mechanical Fly
   '... the Scarab [flying robot] buzzed into the great workroom as any intruding insect might...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

CurvACE Artificial Compound Insect Eye
   '...transmitting to its manipulator, far away now, all that it ... saw with its minute vision tubes.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

Harvard's Robobee Has Insect-Inspired Eyes
   'It studied its surroundings... and saw with its minute vision tubes.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

Tiniest Microphone Inspired By Fly
   'Transmitting to its manipulator, far away now, all that it heard through its ear microphones...'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

Fast Lightweight Autonomy Indoor Drones For DARPA
   'the Scarab buzzed into the great workroom... and sought the security of a shadowed corner.'- Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

Harvard's Robobees Now 'Fly' Underwater
   '...the Scarab buzzed into the great workroom as any intruding insect might, and sought the security of a shadowed corner.' - Raymond Z Gallun, 1936.

VIDIUS Smallest First Person View (FPV) Drone
   '...the Scarab... transmitting to its manipulator, far away now, all that ... it saw with its minute vision tubes.' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

Picobug Robot Flies, Runs And Grabs
   'About it, as it scrambled forward, were weeds and bushes and grass...' - Raymond Z Gallun, 1936.

Tiny Drones With Sticky Feet Pollinate Flowers Now
   'The Scarab rubbed its hind legs together...' - Raymond Z Gallun, 1936

Poli-X1 Prototype Bee Pollinator
   Always buzz, buzz, buzz, eh Mr. Drone?

RoboFly Is Laser-Powered, Adorable
   Don't swat this fly!

FLIR Black Hornet 3 Palm-sized Drone
   These drones can provide situational awareness beyond visual line-of-sight capability.

Bee+ Robobee Now With Four Wings
   'It was a tiny thing, scarcely more than an inch and a half in length...' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

Robot Hummingbird Hovers Biomimetically
   'With a buzz... it started out on its journey.' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936.

3rd Century BC Gold Bee Is Just The Start
   Bees knees, I order you to freeze!

Micro-Robots Are Smallest, Fully Functional
   'With a whir, the Scarab shot from the concealing shadows of the corner where it had hidden itself.' - Raymond Z. Gallun, 1936. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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Science Fiction
in the News

California Fireman Arrested For Starting Fires
re: Ray Bradbury

Robots Need A Better Sense Of Touch
re: AE van Vogt

MouthPad Supports Head And Tongue Tracking
re: Alfred Bester

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