Robert Heinlein:
Science Fiction Technology and Ideas
Robert Anson Heinlein was born in Missouri in 1907; he died in 1988. He entered the Naval Academy in 1925 and was commissioned in 1929; his career as a naval officer was cut short by ill health. He studied engineering and mathematics at UCLA.

Heinlein also wrote as Anson MacDonald and Lyle Monroe. He wrote his first short story (Lifeline) in 1939. He wrote many well-known novels (see below). He received the Nebula Grand Master award in 1975.

Invention/Technology Source Work (Publication Date)

A nation or people who explore and trade in space.

Citizen of the Galaxy (1957)

Specialized Prosthetic Arm
A set of prosthetics that provide different functionality in place of missing arm.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966)

A constructed language that uses a single sound to stand for a word, achieving great improvements in communication speed.

Assignment in Eternity (1953)

Spinning Pressurized Drum
Put a spin on just a part of a space station.

Between Planets (1951)

Stasis (Cold Sleep, Hibernation)
Hibernation for human beings, lasting for many years.

The Door Into Summer (1956)

Stasis Field
Energy field which prevents time from passing inside the field walls; no time passes, nobody gets hurt.

Beyond This Horizon (1942)

Stationary Automatic Blaster
An automated defensive blaster.

Red Planet (1949)

Steel Tortoise - the original ATV
An all-terrain vehicle, grandfather to the four-wheeler.

Coventry (1940)

Stereo Tank - 3D TV receiver
A receiver for three-dimensional televised images.

Stranger in a Strange Land (1961)

Stereovision Tank - 3D TV tank (and first screen saver)
Three dimensional mass media (the grandson of television).

Stranger in a Strange Land (1961)

Storer-Gulls Wings - recreation for lunar colonists
Recreational aid for lunar colonists; lightweight wings for cave flying.

The Menace From Earth (1957)

Sunpower Screen - photovoltaic cells power vehicle
A solar cell array used to provide power for a vehicle.

Coventry (1940)

Surrogate Skin
False skin that is sprayed onto damaged areas.

The Puppet Masters (1951)

Sweep Field
Pulls in interplanetary matter for space ship propulsion.

Methuselah's Children (1941)

Synthetic Personality
A artificial identity, a legal fiction of a person.

If This Goes On... (1940)

Synthetic Spider Silk
Artificial fabric thread as strong as steel.

Misfit (1939)

Artificially produced meat.

Farmer in the Sky (1950)

Tag-Along Balloon - find the space station leak
A bladder-like device that both finds and temporarily fixes leaks in moon tunnels or space station habitats.

Gentlemen, Be Seated (1948)

Talking Bomb - psych warfare
A psychological warfare weapon that talks to the enemy.

Starship Troopers (1959)

Tanglefoot Field - non-lethal crowd control
A force field that would not harm but merely entangle and stop anyone (or anything) caught in it.

The Star Beast (1954)

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