Robert Heinlein:
Science Fiction Technology and Ideas
Robert Anson Heinlein was born in Missouri in 1907; he died in 1988. He entered the Naval Academy in 1925 and was commissioned in 1929; his career as a naval officer was cut short by ill health. He studied engineering and mathematics at UCLA.

Heinlein also wrote as Anson MacDonald and Lyle Monroe. He wrote his first short story (Lifeline) in 1939. He wrote many well-known novels (see below). He received the Nebula Grand Master award in 1975.

Invention/Technology Source Work (Publication Date)

TANSTAAFL - and there isn't
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966)

Teakettle - booster rocket
A standard rocket (uses hydrogen as a booster to leave the atmosphere).

Double Star (1956)

A watch that synchronizes itself to a remote source.

Blowups Happen (1940)

Tesseract House
A house built in the shape of a four-dimensional figure.

-And He Built A Crooked House (1940)

Thorsen Memory Tube
Computer component that allows a machine to learn through experience.

The Door Into Summer (1956)

The orifice from which issued the reaction mass of an atomic powered space craft.

Farmer in the Sky (1950)

Torchship - a tail of flame
A spaceship capable of high acceleration.

Sky Lift (1953)

Traffic Control Camera - automatic identification
An automated camera system that photographs license plates as cars move past on a road system.

Methuselah's Children (1941)

Truth Meter - a 50's lie detector
A lie detector.

The Star Beast (1954)

Tumblebug - a gyro-stabilized monocycle
A monocycle; a motorcycle that balances on a single wheel.

The Roads Must Roll (1940)

Two-Wheeled Car
A small passenger vehicle with two centerline wheels.

The Roads Must Roll (1940)

Ultramicrominiature Waldo
A device for transforming ordinary human hand movements into extremely small-scale surgical motions.

Time Enough For Love (1973)

Universal Checkbook - radioactive checking
Fully electronic banking system, which allows easy withdrawal of funds from any bank.

The Door Into Summer (1956)

Universal Dictionary - grandfather of the electronic dictionary
A machine that provided references to anything known.

The Star Beast (1954)

A system of public transportation that used partially evacuated tubes and capsules big enough for passengers.

Double Star (1956)

Vibroblade - not messy
A knife-like weapon.

If This Goes On... (1940)

Waldo - the origin of telefactoring
A telefactoring device; also known as the Waldo F. Jones Synchronous Reduplicating Pantograph.

Waldo (1942)

Walker Wagon
Robotic vehicle with a trough-like body and many mechanical legs.

Farmer in the Sky (1950)

Waterbed (Hydraulic Bed) - a waterbed
A bed that uses water instead of springs and stuffing.

Stranger in a Strange Land (1961)

Weather Integrator - every day perfect
An entire technology for controlling the weather.

Methuselah's Children (1941)

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