Science Fiction in the News Articles
related to the works of

Ray Cummings

Ray Cummings (1877-1957) was a prolific author, writing hundreds of sf stories and novels. He learned about inventing worlds and technology in the best way possible; he did technical writing and editing while working with inventor Thomas Edison.

(Ray Cummings)

Science fiction in the News articles describe real-world events that relate to the ideas and inventions in sf novels and movies. Select a news article:

Russian Moon Base Mining Camp
   The Russians steal a page from Ray Cummings' Brigands of the Moon and look for rare materials on the moon.
Invisibility Possible With Superlenses
   Ah, the invisibility cloak once again... well, it doesn't appear because... you know.
Invisibility Cloaks Seen As Possible With Metamaterials
   Invisibility stories continue to appear; when do I get my cloaking device?
V-Rambo Wristwatch Video Receiver
   This device allows soldiers to see on the other side of buildings, or over the next hill, using real-time video.
2 Lunar Base Concepts 75 Years Apart
   NASA has released some of their thinking about lunar exploration; read what others thought seventy-five years earlier.
Robotic Hand Has Sensitive Fingertips
   Latest version of the Southampton robotic hand is very sensitive indeed.
Invisibility Cloak Works In Visible Spectrum
   Is this the world's first true invisibility cloak?
Invisible Tank Makes The Rounds (I Think)
   I'm not really sure about this story, but I couldn't resist it.
Broadband Invisibility Cloak - Now You See It
   This breakthrough demonstrates that it is possible to build a single material that reroutes light over a broad swath of light wavelengths.
iPhone UAV Drone Control App
   It won't be long now. I'll be reading some technothriller novel, and I'll read 'Sonya looked across to the neighboring building and eased her iPhone out of her purse. Selecting the proper app, she took control of the drone's final approach.'
Parrott AR.Drone Quadricopter Video
   Gamers and surveillance dweebs alike will exclaim 'There's an app for that!'
Assault Intervention Device - A Pain Ray Gun
   Should this device be used in the United States?
Invisibility Cloaks Get Bigger
   Now you see it; full-size invisibility cloaks are almost within our grasp.
Digger Finger: Super-Sensitive Robot Fingers Predicted In 1931
   'Migul's fingers with the extended filaments were feeling it... What an amazing development of science.' - Ray Cummings, 1931.
BioTac Robot's Finger More Sensitive Than Yours
   'We have at last found a way to link computer circuitry with synthetic flesh...'
Full-Size Invisibility Cloak Now Possible
   'I donned it and drew its hood, and threw on its current.'- Ray Cummings, 1930.
Parrot Bebop Drone Pairs With Your Smartphone
   'Over a radius of several miles Sonya's raytron apparatus could direct its flight [using] an image of all that the lens eye saw.'- Ray Cummings, 1928.
First Person Video Flying Parrot Bebop Drone Video
   'Over a radius of several miles Sonya's raytron apparatus could direct its flight...'- Ray Cummings, 1928.
DARPA Video Highlights Fast Lightweight Autonomy Drones
   We've got the idea, DARPA. Or we're getting it.
Artificial Gravity? Why Not?
   'The artificial gravity-controls in the base of the ship... were being tampered with!' - Ray Cummings
Army Wants Invisibility Cloaks
   No, you can't see me. Nope, not here.
Artificial 'Hairs' To Enhance Senses Of Robots
   'Migul had extended from each of the fingertips an inch-long filament of wire...' - Ray Cummings, 1931.
Your 'Odortype' Is Unique!
   'But we had his olfactory classification...' - Ray Cummings, 1935.
Interstellar Asteroid Visits Our Solar System
   'This asteroid had whirled in from the cold of the interplanetary space...' - Ray Cummings, 1930.
Miners! NASA Wants To License RASSOR Excavator
   'The borers had been dismantled and packed away.' - Ray Cummings, 1930.
NASA Competition To Design A Bucket Drum For Moon Mining
   'There was a heap of discarded ore where Grantline had carted and dumped it...' - Ray Cummings, 1930.
Finger Sensors For Robot Hands
   'What strange sensitivity! What an amazing development of science was manifested in every move and act and word of this Robot!' - Ray Cummings, 1931. is devoted to the creative inventions of science fiction authors and movie makers. Look for the Science Fiction Invention Category that interests you, the Glossary of Science Fiction Inventions, the Timeline of Science Fiction Inventions, or see what's New.
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