(Most Recent Additions - 3974 Total)
Civic Notification Distorter A device that subtly damages databases full of government information.
(From The Zap Gun [1965] by Philip K. Dick) |
Death-rattle File A cache of information set to destroy itself upon the death of its owner.
(From The Zap Gun [1965] by Philip K. Dick) |
Motorized Combat Boots Russian army-surplus self-propelled footgear.
(From Accelerando [2005] by Charles Stross) |
Navicloud Custom Debinder A machine that pulls books apart and scans the contents.
(From Rainbows End [2006] by Vernor Vinge) |
Battery-Powered 3D Comic Book A comic book the pages of which were animated by battery power.
(From The Zap Gun [1965] by Philip K. Dick) |
Slow Pellet Stunner A projectile device that throws darts in a manner calculated to get past a force shield.
(From Dune [1965] by Frank Herbert) |
Sheep Dip Isolator A non-lethal malodorant weapon.
(From The Zap Gun [1965] by Philip K. Dick) |
Autonomic Interviewer A robotic reporter.
(From The Zap Gun [1965] by Philip K. Dick) |
Inflatable Air Lock Air lock making use of inflatable side walls to achieve large size.
(From Space Tug [1953] by Murray Leinster) |
Garbage-can Banger An elaborate noise-based weapon.
(From The Zap Gun [1965] by Philip K. Dick) |
Magnetic-Soled Shoes A means of walking on a surface in zero gravity.
(From Space Tug [1953] by Murray Leinster) |
Pushpot An independent rocket motor that can attach itself to an object bound for space.
(From Space Tug [1953] by Murray Leinster) |
Blurbflies (Sing. Blurbfly) Small robotic/organic advertisers.
(From Nymphomation [2000] by Jeff Noon) |
Space Flight Simulator Very early description of a way to practice flying in space while still on Earth.
(From Space Tug [1953] by Murray Leinster) |
Space Tugs Early use of familiar ocean vehicle in space.
(From Describe a Circle [1942] by Eric Frank Russell) |
Logics Service A networked service that retains all of your personal information, schedules and phone messages online.
(From A Logic Named Joe [1946] by Murray Leinster) |
Broomstick Device to ease movement in a zero-gravity environment.
(From Islands in the Sky [1952] by Arthur C. Clarke) |
Betrization An in utero method of reducing human aggression.
(From Return from the Stars [1961] by Stanislaw Lem) |