Beyond Technovelgy:
Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Slime-Ridin' Snail-Bot Colonoscopy Robot
Sometimes, science meets fiction - and then grosses it out.

Pileus Umbrella Flickr Photo Browser
Cool art project that uses an umbrella to take, share and display photos.

Snake-Arm Robots From OCRobotics Reach Out
Nifty snake-arm joy-stick controlled robot can find its way into a variety of tight spaces.

Robot Skin Soft Like Yours
Artificial robot skin now smooth and soft, just like you've always dreamed robot skin would feel.

Planetary Annihilation Chances 'Totally Miniscule'
Black holes generated beneath the Earth's surface? I sense no danger here...

SwisTrack Swarm Analysis Of Robots And Roaches
Swarms need to be studied - this tool can be used on insects or robots.

ULTra PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) Planned For London
The ULTra is back in the news, this time at Heathrow airport.

Lethal Frisbee UAV Robots
Modular Disc-Wing (Frisbee) Urban Cruise Munitions are on their way, thanks to the USAF.

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Desubstantiation Effect

Testing For Human

C-Plus Cannon


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Space Bursts


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Magnetized Cloth Pajamas


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