Beyond Technovelgy:
Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

Pipeline Explorer Untethered Robotic Snake
Amazing robotic pipeline inspection device is a real snakebot.

Virtual Arms Dealers Arrested
Virtual gun-running now a problem in China.

Nokia Silence Booth - Shh!
If only someone would install these everywhere...

Miuro Autonomous Music Robot
Rather than outfitting your house with speakers in every room, why not have a stereo that follows you around?

Roentgenizdat: X-Ray Bones Jazz Recordings
Amazing find from the old Soviet union - nothing held jazz fans back in those days.

Trashcan Surveillance - Halt! Who Throws There?
No science fiction writer ever thought of putting spy chips in garbage cans - it takes bureaucrats to do that.

Lo-Tek Book Reading (In Bed) Stand
How to read a heavy book in bed hands-free. The anwer comes from Japan.

Scrollbars and Selections Make User Interface Art Scene
Here's an artist who takes graphic user interface items and imposes them on the real world in the name of art.

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Synthimeat (Crop Protein)

Warp Drive

Artificial Blood (Synthetic Blood)

Tiny Robot Planes



Electromagnetic Gun

Street Slides

Solar-Heat Condenser


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