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Science and Technology News

Science and Technology News

EtchASound - Picture Your Voice
Hands-free Etch-A-Sketch in 3D; looks like great fun.

Chant Disruptor At Stadium Near You?
Here's how to cut that disruptive audience down to size.

American Space Colony Art
Ah, the space colonies of my youth. They never built any, but the pictures are very nice.

Origami Cell Phone Concept
Great concepts galore from a company called Inventables; I found one that is a twenty-year-old sf idea.

Medical Nanotubes Need Opening? Ask Raquel Welch
How to uncork a medical nanotube - if only we could find a medical assistant the size of a bacterium.

Insbot Robot Cockroaches Make Friends And Influence... Roaches
Tiny robots with Dale Carnegie-style programming help scientists learn about animals that exhibit group behaviors.

Metal-like Polymer Developed In South Korea
Who would ever think of flexible, extrudable plastic with the same properties as metal wire? SF authors, that's who.

Everybody Will Be Kung Fu Fighting In New Game
Get off the couch and into the video - defy gravity without wires - use your own moves and your own weapons.

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Robot Row - Robots For Consumers

Robots Learn With Cameras

Desubstantiation Effect

Edit Stream

Testing For Human

C-Plus Cannon



Space Bursts



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