Science Fiction in the News
SF in the News

Cicada UAV Dropped In Swarms
'We... dropped roughly a thousand eyes on Beta Hydri IV.'- Robert Silverberg, 1969. (re: Robert Silverberg)

AI's Now Being Taught Anger
Actually the Prime Radiant was just a display device. (re: Isaac Asimov)

Cicret Interactive Skin Display Prototype
'A strip of readout skin on my wrist...'- John Varley, 1992. (re: John Varley)

Lily Camera Video Sport Selfie Drone
'He set his camera to follow him, and it hovered behind him like a large tame bee.'- Karen Traviss, 2004. (re: Karen Traviss)

Metal Composite Floats Your Boat
'A metal that was apparently as light as cork and stronger than steel...' - Edgar Rice Burroughs, 1929. (re: Edgar Rice Burroughs)

Six Terabyte Solid State Drive Just 2.5 Inches
'A man or woman could carry AIs or complete planetary dataspheres...' (re: Dan Simmons)

Israeli 'Food Replicator' Inspired By Star Trek
Any food you like, instantly! (re: Gene Roddenberry)

Robotic Trash Can Wants Your Garbage
'The can pivoted on broad rubber treads and rolled toward her...'- Bruce Sterling, 1988. (re: Bruce Sterling)

Microbes To Terraform Mars?
'Terraform the little rock...'- Jack Williamson, 1941. (re: Jack Williamson)

NASA FINDER To The Rescue In Nepal
'The antennae of the Life Detector atop the OP swept back and forth...'- Frank Herbert, 1958. (re: Frank Herbert)

NailO Thumb-Mounted Mouse Needs John Varley's Help
I think that NailO needs a display and a keyboard. (re: John Varley)

Surreal iPhone Ad Video Parody Channels Dick, Heinlein
'... the audio relay is buried surgically...'- Robert Heinlein, 1951. (re: Robert Heinlein)

Walker Robot Helps The Elderly
'The robant and the tiny old woman entered the control room slowly...'- Philip K. Dick, 1953. (re: Philip K. Dick)

What's Another Word For The Army's Handheld Ray Guns?
'I was holding my Blaster pointing ahead of me...'- Nictin, Dyalhis, 1925. (re: Nictzin Dyalhis)

Tyson Says Asteroid Miners Will Be First Trillionaires
'...Come together here under the influence of their mutual gravitation, and formed a little metallic planet.'- Garrett P. Serviss, 1898. (re: Garrett P. Serviss)

Zap Space Debris With Telescope Laser On ISS
'... their lasers vaporized the smaller satellites...'- Arthur C. Clarke, 1978. (re: Arthur C. Clarke)

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